Gorgeous blogger Lexie of Little Boat made a big impression on me last year when she asked for pictures of my casual outfits. Even though my everyday look is pretty “meh,” I still feel compelled to take the occasional photo for Lexie’s sake.
At least I can say that I don’t look like the “typical” fashion blogger because, really, does this look like anyone who cares about fashion?
What Wendy Wore
T-shirt: LinQ (ancient)
Jeans: Acne (2009?)
Bag: Louis Vuitton (2001, last seen here)
Shoes: YSL (2005-ish?)
Necklace: My own chicken-in-egg locket design
Lip color: Lasting Lust by MAC
I do like to think that the shoes jazzed things up a little. Here is a view of the amazing heel.
I love those heels. I feel like making a piece of jewelry in their honor. I wore these shoes to, from and in L.A. on my recent trip there. They got quite a few compliments including one that I didn’t care for. I was going through airport security on the way home. My shoes and coat were in a bin, about to go into the X-ray machine, when I noticed two female TSA agents taking the coat and shoes out of the bin, holding them up and admiring them. Unwanted touching! If they had just looked and said something to me, I would have been flattered, but rummaging through my possessions for non-security-related reasons isn’t appreciated. The forced fondling gave me a flashback to the early ’90s when I was in an elevator with a fashion person who is often photographed by Bill Cunningham of the New York Times. She told me she liked my white leather jacket. While I was saying “thank you,” she reached out and felt it without asking. Jacket molestation! To compound the weirdness, I soon saw her wearing a white leather jacket and the same Patrick Cox Wannabe loafers that I had on during our elevator encounter. Every time I see her picture in the Times, I think of that incident. Like Lexie, the personal-space invader made a big impression on me. But I think of Lexie fondly despite this daring comment. The jacket lady? Not so much.
I’m wearing vintage Patrick Cox wannabes (the high heels) today! and leopard print! I must be channelling Wendy B.
Awesome! Believe it or not, I didn’t have the high heel version of the Wannabes. That’s shocking to me now. I want to see a picture of your outfit!
I have the medium heeled ones! I saved for ages in the 90s to buy them as I was a lowly postgraduate student at the time. I loved them so. Can I wear them again?
I insist that you do!
I’ll have to recreate for you -I was already in leggings on the couch with the cat when I saw your comment (otherside of the world you see) But as the leopard print top is new, I’m sure it’ll get an outing VERY soon (and the wannabes are sooo comfy, I wear them all the time!)
A few years ago I made the Bjork swan dress for Halloween. It was white of course with layers of tulle and feathers up the swan neck. So many people felt the right to grab at it. It was filthy and destroyed when I got home. So rude!
Love the shoes!!
Ugh! That’s awful. I definitely need my personal space. People I don’t know touching me or my stuff…I hate it! Oh, and don’t get me started on people touching my hair.
Do you have a pic of your costume?
Wow, that looks AMAZING.
Oh I hate it when people feel they that a compliment = right to molest my clothes too. Especially when it comes to my faux-fur coat. Sometimes complete with those smiles I’m not sure if it’s yet another step in the long chain of excuses.
“I love your __” –> molest your clothes –> pretend to chat you up.
I sometimes think of wiring up my coats and turning on a switch to give them mini-electric shocks.
Hate that. I have a coworker who is constantly caressing my clothing without first asking permission. Now I just back away when I see her arm extending.
Omggg those heels! I have an obsession with uniquely shaped heels and those are like castle-towers of royal awesomeness.
Not-cool about the touching though. Not. cool. I hate when people touch things without asking. Costumes are the worst, people seem to think it makes you free reign.
Actually, I think you’re dressed like a lot of ‘off work’ bloggers. At least I know I wear a black tee and jeans on my days off.
That’s kind of reassuring! Though it doesn’t encourage me to try harder. I wish I took outfit pix of all my suits back in my corporate days. Those were more interesting.
Ugh I hate it when people I don’t know touch me or my things! It was horrid when I was pregnant — for some reason people think a baby bump is public domain and touch without asking! I was forever backing away from strangers trying to escape!
Oh,those heels are stunning!
The nerve of some people!!
I can definitely relate to the own space thing and possessiveness about clothes. Those shoes are amazing.
I feel the same way when I buy a magazine at the bookstore and the cashier decides to page through it! Don’t read my magazine!!
sorry for drooling on your shoes.
Now, they is some special shoes, um hum.
I’ve always liked these… too bad you have teeny dainty feet 🙁
jacket molestation! ahh! i’d give the TSA people a break though .. it probably isnt every day they encounter someone with such fab taste as you!
also, i love your casual style. you always remind me that on the days when i don’t want to get super fancy, jewelry can really jazz things up. now i just need to land a great job after graduation and celebrate with a wendyb piece! 😀
Some people have no idea of personal space. Why do they do that? I love your shoes but it is one thing to admire from afar and quite another to go touching them uninvited.
I love your shoes — and that cute cabbage-shaped hat you’ve got on!
And you’re right about petting the clothes. Never touch!
I have high heel white patent wannabes! I love them, and if some one molested them I might have to cut bitch. (Am I allowed to say that?)
I. Want. Your. Shoes.
OK, am I the only one who doesn’t care if someone grabs my outfit? I mean, as long as they don’t grab my ass!
I’m totally gonna feel you all over next time I see you!
I would not be okay with someone touching my shoes like that! I am definitely a Midwesterner, because I need lots of personal space.
How do you get those funny word verifications?
I’ve been known to touch fabrics, but only fabrics worn by close friends and family. Come to think of it, maybe they’ prefer I didn’t. Backing away as Sal does is a smart solution.
I clicked through to the Lexi comment and snorted a gummy bear out of my nose.
I heart you for having a magical gummy bear nose, Susan.
🙂 🙂 I heart you too.
NOT ho-hum… i actually love the ‘ancient’ t-shirt. definitely some interesting heels too 😉 work it.
Those shoes are beyond! And yuck, it’s like people who touch strangers’ bellies just because they’re pregnant. You can look but don’t touch!!
I’m probably guilty of the touch, but only if people are wearing something furry. I can’t help it, I just want to hug and stroke them! If people don’t want to be manhandled they shouldn’t dress like oversized teddy bears.
Also, I look very non-fashion-bloggery the majority of the time. Your jeans and fab heels are still way more interesting than the bathrobe I am glued to as soon as I get home every night 😉 x
You could never look Ho Hum Wendy B.!
Aw, thanks! Though if you could see me right now in my sweats….hmmm!