Like I said in a previous post, I was pretty busy during New York Fashion Week. When I wasn’t busy, I was delirious.
I managed to squeeze in a few shows but, unfortunately, not Vena Cava‘s. I was getting dressed that morning with one eye on the computer when the news of Alexander McQueen’s suicide was broken by the Daily Mail. I couldn’t tear myself away from the developing story. (See my post for a massive amount of McQueen links.) After the news was confirmed, I finally got out the door, jumped in a cab and thought I’d make it to the show … only to encounter crazy traffic due to an explosion in Chelsea. When I saw on Twitter that the show had started, I had the cab turn around. An expensive trip to nowhere!
I was consoled by seeing the Badgley Mischka and Vera Wang shows from the luxury of the American Express Skybox (thanks to my gorgeous friends Shari and Ashley for hooking me up). The Skybox is my type of fashion experience: no pushing or shoving, full bar, sandwiches and cookies! The only drawback is that it’s hard to take pictures of the runway. Instead, I took a picture of youthful blogger/Skybox visitor Becca, whose hairy pink jacket complemented my hairy purple jacket.

Hairy jackets unite!
Between Becca and Tavi, I felt like I spent Fashion Week corrupting minors.
I loved the faux-ny tail fauxhawk hairdos (very long, sides pulled tightly back) at Badgley Mischka. I’ve already told my superstar stylist Julie Matos that I’ll be wanting that look. But I didn’t know that the contemporary Mark & James line was going to be shown after the signature line, so I had a moment of panic: “WHERE DID THE BEAUTIFUL GOWNS GO?!” When it comes to Badgley Mischka, this is what I like to see. One of the first really beautiful gowns that I had was by Badgley Mischka. I wore it to my gorgeous sister’s wedding in 2002.
I still have the gown and the shoes, of course.
While I don’t have anything of Vera Wang’s (maybe there was a bridesmaid dress once?), I enjoyed her “Film Noir“-themed ready-to-wear show.A But seeing all the somber models wearing black, black and more black did make me think, “If I had to put on a fashion show right now, I’d have every outfit be red, yellow and/or blue and tell the models to sing and dance down the runway.” What can I say? I’m an incorrigible contrarian.
At Milly, I was again intrigued by hair. The side ponytails with berets were so cute! As were the bright tights, yellow gloves (I’m way ahead on that trend), and this boob-bow dress. After the Milly show, I collected gorgeous blogger Lenya Jones from the media room. She and I joined other gorgeous bloggers including Jennine of The Coveted, Stacy of tafettadarlings, Midtown Girl, 39th and Broadway and Fashion Herald at Southwest Porch right next to the tents at Bryant Park. Somehow I didn’t realize that Southwest Porch was outside until we got there and sat down in below-freezing temperatures. Most of us managed to hang out for more than an hour, even though it started to snow. When we finally got up to go, I couldn’t stop asking people, “What the hell is wrong with us? This is crazy!” It was great to see all the peeps but I think next time we want to meet up in the winter, we’ll do it inside.
Here’s a final picture. I’m wrapped in my shearling coat, trying to pretend I’m not freezing. Lenya is trying to make a s’more over a tiny little heat lamp, but I don’t think her marshmallow ever thawed out. Jennine is in the background on the left.

The weather outside was frightful!
Lenya has more photos. I’m trying to make her leave Australia and move to New York so I can see her all the time.
How funny that my anti spam word is lupone, like Patty Lupone which now brings me to – did you ever know that you were my hero? I know totally cheesy. And my marshmallow never thawed.
How crazy were we to sit outside for an hour in February? We gave a new meaning to the word COOL! Um… you in that red dress… holy moly. Hot.
Ah, corrupting minors…
you could never corrupt anyone! you are just too awesome!
xx fiona
I’m impressed that you braved the elements for a girlie pow-wow. I’d most certainly be rocking snotsicles and have unwittingly peed my pants after 15 minutes.
my anti-spam word is daydream, which is kinda what I did whilst reading ur post, daydreaming I was somewhere next to you sharing all this NYFW madness:)) i guess i tend to get too absorbed in story-telling posts!
Ok that jacket you are wearing in the first picture is just spectacular!!!
Also, I think you must visit Australia! Or we can trade places I go to New York, you Australia! haha
Let’s see, fauxnytail fauxhawks, skybox snacks and the corrupting of minors….seems like the perfect fashion week experience to me!
I looooved Milly. So cute. What do you think of the white tights?
That dress is amazing! And I love Becca’s outfit, super pretty.
I’m diggin’ your young friend’s shredded leggings too. And that gown you wore to Terri’s wedding rocks the house. You both looked gorgeous! Oh and the dude TOTES has a license to drive. He’s very mature for his 20 months.
I had a comment all ready but then nearly peed my pants reading Denise’s response… lol Snotsicles… lol can I borrow that?
love your jacket! and you and your sister look so much alike
I so love your link filled recap posts. I also love that you and Lenya got to meet.
And now I want s’mores.
Wendy, it’s so great to read you again, honey. I’ve been short on time lately, couldn’t even do my own blog much less ready anyone else’s. Thank goodness those days seem to be gone! And I can live vicariously through you! Hooray!
fashion week imho = biggest nightmare ever! i love your furry jacket up top, it rocks. and also i wanted to tell you that i got these red platform cut out sole shoes from some stripper shop that i think you might like. the good thing is unlike the dany’s no one else will have them. ahahahahahaha!!!
Haha, my spam word is london-hope you’re be here in the Summer!! A lovely post and of course, a stunning picture of you and your sister!!
Ha! You can corrupt me and I’m not a minor.
Your red dress is absolutely stunning on you! I would love to see your fashion concert show!
hairy jackets of the world unite!
Hehehe my security word was manolo! How funny. ANyhoo, sounds like you had a crazy but fairly good time at fashion week. Truly sad about alexander Mcqueen.
That picture of you and Sister-Wendy is gorgeous. You both have the kind of smile that eclipses any garment. The trademark Brandes smile is even better than a Badgley Mischka gown.
i’m convinced u should only wear red
Gorgeous wedding picture!
Your shearling coat looks so warm, I refuse to believe you were cold. I\’d also love to read more about the development of your gown collection, because knowing how beautiful and extensive it is I am shocked to hear that you only got one of your first dresses around 2002! xx
I love that my security word is pussycat! That red gown on you was smoking! The fuzziness of your jackets make perfect bedfellows!
Wow, its so exciting that you got to attend some shows! Thanks for sharing your stories.
You should host a “Corrupting Minors” event next Fashion Week!
How cute the pic of the two fuzzy coats! The PGPrincess had a pink & brown one like that which I keep saying I’m going to make into a vest as she’s grown out of it. She’d kill for one like Becca’s (hell I would too!) I’m so sorry I missed NYFW, even though London & Glasgow was fab. We need to catch up!
Keep corrupting those minors…or rather adding to their corruption since exposure to the fashion word will hardly leave them totally innocent. 😉
Looks like you had a busy and fun Fashion Week with a few glitches here and there.
I do believe that Edward Cullen messed with my anti-spam word since it is “sparkles”. He must be lurking on your blog…get the broom.
This is such a fun post Miss Wendy, although it was hard to come back and read after the water episode, for some reason it just kept making me laugh and laugh. (I know, it’ doesn’t take much with me. Sigh.)
The red dress is killer, a great example of why I love those guys, they are just. so. good. (And not too threatening to a nerd girl like me.)
We’re with everyone else, there was no corruption going on, not with those two dolls in the hairy pink and furry purple, too cute!
Hope your week goes swimmingly!
I love the s’more over the pathetic heat lamp.
You all look happy despite the cold!
Look at you girls!! You look so much alike! Gorgeous! I also like the short do on on you!
I am loving your 2002 shorter do…you look amazing! xo Mish
showing off your matching shoes and some LEG – hot!
It was so lovely meeting & chatting with Lenya – I hope to see her again soon!
Move to NYC please 😉 XOXO
ps – hanako66 is my spam word – LOVE IT!!
Note to self: look into that Milly collection. It sounds SO GOOD!
It was so good seeing you and I can’t believe how long we were outside either.
FYI – I picked up some serious steals on Milly pieces at the new Century21 last weekend. So if anyone is interested they had a good selection.
And I can’t believe instead of wearing my long shearling, I wore a cropped jacket. Dumbass. And freezing cold ass. Thanks so much to all of you for coming by! Next time it’s indoors or on Southwest in warm weather 🙂