In this week’s post about my 2001 wedding, I didn’t mention my two canine guests, though I’d previously done so. I’m sad to tell you that the second of the two dog participants has gone to the great doggy bed in the sky. My Pekingese, Mr. Chubbs, died in 2006. This Wednesday, my parents’ Pekingese, Molly, was euthanized due to organ failure associated with old age.
When she wasn’t attending weddings, Molly went to my father’s office. Her duties included sleeping in the bookcase, snoring under the desk, wagging her tail at visitors and occasionally being baffled by employees with video cameras. My father’s employee, Ted, made this little video in February.
She also avidly read all your blogs.
MrB and I went to Ohio in 1998 to get Molly for my parents. She was living with a woman who did dog-rescue work after her original owner had gotten too sick to care for her. Molly was supposed to be my mother’s dog, but it was love at first sight when Molly saw my dad. She was quite possessive of him and would sometimes growl at poor BarbaraB if the latter sat too close to GeorgeB on the couch. The heart wants what it wants!
We’ll miss her.
UPDATED TO ADD: I thought I’d move GeorgeB’s comment into the post in case anyone missed it in the comments section: “It’s strange without Molly around. She went to work with me every day for over ten years and made sure everyone smiled at least once during the day. That was her job. She also let me know when it was time to go home. In the morning, Edith who worked in a office down the hall would stop by and she would spend the morning eating [dog] cookies in her office. But she would wait at the door until I yelled, ‘go on go on’ and then she would hop down the hall with all of us laughing.”
lenorenevermore says
so sorry to hear about this news…
gone through the deaths of pets throughout my life as well…and it’s never getting easier…I hope to see all of them again one day on the other side, let’s just hope! ~xo*
Sally says
Oh, bless her. My heart goes out to your parents – losing a pup is devastating.
Ela says
Wendy, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Molly was such a cutie. She was blessed to have your family look after her and give her lots of love. Losing a family pet is never easy…I don’t know if I’ll ever have one again. It’s been over 3 years but my heart still hurts. I’m so sorry.
K-Line says
What a lovely tribute to lovely doggies! I’m thinking of your parents. Must be a tough day for GeorgeB…
Honeybunches of Roses says
I’m sorry for your loss, My dad lost his pet and it was very hard to see my father go through that. (hugs) to you and your family….
belle de ville says
May Molly enjoy her eternal great doggy bed in the sky.
cupcakes and cashmere says
i’m so sorry for your loss. molly sounded like a wonderful dog and i’m sure she’s enjoying lots of long walks and doggie bones in heaven.
Wendy says
My condolences. It is always difficult to say goodbye.
Sher says
Molly had the most innocent look, so precious. I’m sure she knew she was so loved. Sorry for your family’s loss.
Beth Dunn says
Super cute pup! oxoxo
alixrose says
I am really sad to hear this, its so hard when a loved family member passes away. Its been almost 10yrs for mine but I still miss him everyday. I love that you had them at your wedding. That computer picture made me laugh out loud.
deja pseu says
Awww, I’m so sorry. Please extend my condolences to your family.
Kristin says
Awwwwww, RIP Miss Molly!!!
BS says
I’m not the only one who hears her voice in my head (a little bit Kathleen Turner) telling Ted to get the eff out of her face, right?
I’m glad she had a happy, full life.
enc says
Molly was adorable. I’m so very sorry for your family’s loss!
hanako66 says
Oh I am so very sorry….it is so hard to lose our beloved pets:(
KD says
That is adorable! (The video and the possesiveness).
Ashe Mischief says
She’ll be quite happy in that puppy pen in the sky, and I have NO doubts she had a happy and fulfilled life. Sending thoughts to you & your parents.
Miss Janey says
Aaaw. The late, great Molly was adorable. Condolences on the loss of this beloved family member.
Christine says
I am sorry to hear of your loss. I just lost my beloved companion Timmy and it’s heartbreaking. People who say “it’s just a dog’ obviously never had one.
GeorgeB, she was a great dog. With a great owner, and family. You gave here the best life a dog could have, anywhere.
Take care.
Georgeb says
It’s strange without Molly around. She went to work with me every day for over ten years and made sure everyone smiled at least once during the day. That was her job. She also let me know when it was time to go home. In the morning, Edith who worked in a office down the hall would stop by and she would spend the morning eating cookies in her office. But she would wait at the door until I yelled \”go on go on\” and the she would hop down the hall with all of us laughing.
Alicia says
I’m mad my captcha was “pussycat”
I’m terribly sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful dog. =(
judy aldridge says
I have a 13 year old corgi with dementia. The time is close. I have owned so many dogs, I like to think there is a window of what is the ” right time” Otherwise, you just beat yourself up. The time is close with my Corgi, but I feel as long as she eating her breakfast with gusto, we’ll hang in there.
Diana says
Oh, hon, I know exactly how you feel. I had to get my cat that I had for seventeen years put to sleep on Wednesday because her kidneys were failing. Molly is gone but not forgotten.
Rosie says
We had to put down one of our dogs, and it was so hard. My thoughts go out to your family, hopefully someone may eventually help ease the pain.
(Ok, this is getting strange. Second time in a row that my word verification is rosebud, what my mother calls me.)
jayne says
I’m sorry! my dog just died this fall, first day of the semester actually 🙁 he was 13, but it was very unexpected…somehow my parents already bought a new puppy, an american bulldog, named gatsby though
Topaz Horizon says
Oh, Wendy… when you told me your parents’ dog was slowly deteriorating in health, too, I really hoped things would get better. This is just so sad. Molly was very pretty and cute and smart (reading blogs, wow! =D). She will definitely be missed. I hope your parents are okay. Losing a pet is just terrible. I’m sending you all my love!
C says
aww i am so sorry for the loss, i lost my dog in february and it does hurt specially when you realise all the funny & cute things pets do. 🙁
Sharon Rose says
So sorry to hear of your family loss, Molly was much loved and will be sorely missed, a lovely tribute post too!
@LaDolceVitaInfo says
So sorry for your loss Wendy!!
Make Do Style says
So sweet – what a lovely life xxx
Hannah says
So sorry Wendy! I understand how painful it can be losing a pet.
Everybody Says Don't says
oh I’m very sorry to hear about Molly, but she had a lovely life, and not many dogs get to go to weddings, especially such a great one! xxx
Alya says
Aaww your dad’s comment is so beautiful! Molly indeed seems like an amazing dog/person.
By the way I’ve got a beautiful Tolani scarf to give away at my blog. Come check it out 🙂
Jill says
Dogs bring such joy to our lives!
Couture Carrie says
Oh I’m sorry to hear about Molly. It sounds like she really was an important member of the fam and will be missed dearly…
P.S. I remember the 80s as being way crazier than my post, too, but I didn’t want to scare the young-uns!
Dana says
his name is CHUBBS?!!?!?!! I love that!
PS love your outfit below
Pearl Westwood says
Hi Wendy, that is so sad. It really is like loosing a member of the family, that only animal lovers understand, big hug to you and your family,
Pearl x
savvy gal says
ah sorry Wendy.
catherine says
A big hug to you and everyone who was touched by Molly. What a sweet looking dog.
miss cavendish says
So sorry to hear. Sincere sympathy to your parents!
La Belette Rouge says
I am so sorry to hear that Molly is no longer with us. My sincere condolences to all who knew and loved her.
Midtown Girl says
Oh, Molly will be missed, truly – my condolences ;-(
K @ Blog Goggles says
I’m so sorry. Pets are really members of the family, especially ones that are so helpful and loving. My thoughts go out to you and your family!
fashionherald says
Your dad’s story is so sweet, and a lovely memoriam to a devoted buddy. Rest in peace, Molly.
danielle says
awe. good golly miss molly!
abroad says
I’m sure she will be missed terribly by many. So cute. I think the world would be a much better place if more people took their dogs to work with them.