Nine years ago — minus just one day! — I published a post called, “Why Does Buyer’s Guilt Focus on Fashion?” In it, I wrote:
“I’m always annoyed at how a fashion is incorrectly perceived as a woman’s topic, and therefore trivialized and criticized. We’re told we should feel bad about it even though men can pour their money into technology and sports-related consumerism guilt-free. Yet, food, clothing and shelter are the most basic of human needs. Do you see the iPhone on that list of basic needs? No.”
I went on to describe the many ways that fashion affects society. (Somehow, I did that without mentioning that the global apparel market is valued by a number of sources at over a trillion dollars annually.) While on the topic, I wrote about how I like to keep my clothes forever, a quality which made me very anxious when I bought a short skirt that I thought might be inappropriate to wear at age 45. At the time of the purchase, I was 35. What can I say? I like to get a full 10 years of use out of my clothes.
Luckily, my thoughts about “inappropriate” changed. (Leaving the uptight investment banking world helped. So did starting this blog with my original motto of “Wear What You Want.”) As a result, the skirt has lasted the decade I demanded of it, and then some. It is this chartreuse Versace, seen here in 2011.
The following year, my designing friend Stacy Lomman paired the skirt with one of my vintage Ossie Clark tops.
I really liked that combination, because I wore it the exact same way in 2013.
I mean … I really, REALLY liked that combo, because I wore it again a few days ago.
What Wendy Wore
Top: Vintage Ossie Clark (Not sure when I bought this, but I have a photo of it from 2008)
Skirt: (Versace, 2003. Previously seen here)
Boots: Prada (2008)
Purse: Prada (2007)
Weird monster thing hanging from purse: Fendi (2015)
Last week, I didn’t realize I’d repeated the complete look — right down to the boots — until I checked the blog. I laughed a little about that. And check out how my one pose is repeated year after year. I’m a paper doll!
Anyway, I tried to imagine wearing this skirt in another 10 years and at first I thought, “That’s impossible.” But then I realized a skirt doesn’t have to be a skirt if you don’t want it to be. Maybe in another decade, I’ll be wearing this skirt as a head wrap à la Little Edie Beale. Whatever … I do what I want!
I love this look! I can’t believe we did “wardrobe rehab” four years ago already! Time flies when you’re having fashion fun 🙂
I know! I was shocked!