I didn’t get around to finishing my Oscar posts in a timely way, but it’s never too late to talk about jewelry and men’s fashion, right? Anyway, it’s Throwback Thursday so I’m going to go there.
My favorite piece of jewelry at the 2015 Oscars was the Piaget ear cuff and matching stud worn by Scarlett Johansson. I always love mismatched earrings, plus that design was the perfect accessory to Scarlett’s new, Miley Cyrus-worthy haircut. (Remember how controversial Miley’s punkish haircut was in 2012? You might not, now that everyone’s doing it.)
There’s no need to wear staid jewelry on the red carpet, and Scarlett proves it. She looks so good overall — face, hair, body — that I’m not going to say anything about that mess of green beads on her neck. Well, I guess I just said something. Anyhoo, jewelry expert and editor Marion Fasel got to see the Piaget design close up. Here’s the picture she took for Instagram.
There are some good size stones in this piece. I wonder how much it weighs!
I was also a fan of the big-ass chain that John Travolta was wearing right under his collar in lieu of a bow tie.
I just wish he’d go au naturel with the hair. He looks good without a piece, no?
A lot of men were looking good on Oscar night, continuing the recent trend of guys being more adventurous than women when it comes to big-event fashion. Benedict Cumberbatch, Jeff Goldblum, Jay Z, Eddie Murphy and Adrien Brody all wore white jackets, while Kevin Hart wore head-to-toe white. Just a few years ago, the fashion police would be cracking waiter jokes about that look, but the dudes have persisted with it and, thanks to the “Never Is the Next New Thing™” tendency in fashion, a white jacket is now the height of chic.
Jared Leto, who wore a white jacket to the 2014 Oscars, progressed to a lilac Givenchy tux this year, accessorized with a floral brooch, white shoes and a white bow tie.
Now that I look at this outfit again, I think I should have given him my coveted Best Dressed/Wear What You Want combo award, along with Lupita and Gaga. Looking gorgeous while your outfit screams, “I don’t follow your old-fashioned rules” always gets my seal of approval.
The Miley haircut is so hot right now, even in my little beach town. That means it must have peaked, yeah?
Nope, when fashion-aware people think something has peaked, that means it is just getting going 🙂
Agree — loved Scarlett’s earrings, but the choker was weird and cheap looking. Ugh… close up I can see the nude mesh base. Yuck. Travolta was very Pulp Fiction with that chain, but I wish he would skip that plastic lego-like snap-on hairpiece. I love a white tux and Jeff Goldblum can do no wrong.
I love “lego-like snap-on hairpiece.” I think he actually looks quite nice in the pic of him natural — he should work with that!