Last week, when I wrote about British It girl Alexa Chung calling fashion blogs “ridiculous … just mood boards,” I promised I would interview bloggers who sent me awesome mood boards (aka collages of movie stills, roses, shoes and pensive models holding cigarettes).
First up is red-headed Megan Mae of Megan Mae Daily, who says of her board, “I made sure to add some fireworks for extra fanciness.” Bravo, Megan Mae!
Here’s what Megan Mae had to say:
WendyB: When did you start your blog and what inspired you to do it?
Megan Mae: I started my blog in September of 2009. I was a fan of makeover shows and felt that I needed to “grow up” my wardrobe from the typical jeans, tees and Chuck Taylors. The blog was a way to keep me accountable to dressing with purpose and creativity. And to reduce the amount of black t shirts I wore. [WendyB notes: Blogging has not worked out that way for me!]
WendyB: How much time do you spend on it each week?
Megan Mae: It depends on the week, but I spend maybe 15 minutes a day taking pictures and writing posts. As for reading blogs, I try to read my favorites each day and if I have free time then I’ll look for new blogs to read. So probably a couple hours a day, give or take.
WendyB: What’s your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?
Megan Mae: My favorite thing about blogging is meeting new people who share not only my interest in fashion, but my love of books, movies and other things. My least favorite has to be technology – and it breaking! Thankfully I have a technology savvy husband to bail me out.
WendyB: Do you think blogs are nothing but a bunch of mood boards?
Megan Mae: I think there is a niche of blogging that is very much a “lookbook” or “mood board” driven, but there are other blogs that teach, empower, and connect like minded people into a community.
WendyB: What mood does your mood board convey?
Megan Mae: I tried to play with happiness and sadness. Blue and yellow roses to provide the farthest contrast with some rainbow in between. I pulled images from my favorite movies Benny and Joon, Price of Milk, and Rocky Horror Picture Show, which are happy movies that are tinged with sadness. I love contrast and tried to bring that to the mood board.
WendyB: Pretend I’m Twitter and describe your style in 140 characters or less.
Megan Mae: Retro-futuristic. Classically experimental. Constantly in flux.
WendyB: Has your style changed since you started blogging?
Megan Mae: Yes, so much. I went through a lot of phases as a teen: goth, punk, “rave kid,” hipster-like. No specific style ever really fit, so the blog has let me explore style in a way that transcends labels. I think after two years I’m finally beginning to narrow what works for me, but I still like to throw the occasional experimental piece on and try it. I still don’t have a label to call my style, but I’m a lot happier with my sartorial decisions.
WendyB: What fashion item can you NOT live without?
Megan Mae: Boots. I have a very healthy boot collection that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
Megan Mae: A very boring shade of medium golden brown. Shhhhh!
Don’t forget to check out Megan’s blog here. And send your mood boards to me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com.
Gorgeous mood board and interview!
Love that AllSaints dress!
I love Megan Mae, I was so happy to see here featured here! She has a very unique style and I love that she’s a fellow thrifter!
Hi my dear-what a lovely interview, Megan Mae is a very inspirational and stylish young lady and I love her outfit choices too! xxx
I’m glad that you featured Megan Mae. She seems to find the best thrift items.
i love her style <3
Er, how do I create a mood board?
That red dotted skirt is brilliant.
Thanks so much for the interview, Wendy!
She’s got a great sense of style and I like that she spends more time reading other blogs than working on her own. I can relate to that. I had not heard the Alexa Chung comment. Why do people have to be haters?!
Great board, great interview and an amazing All Saints dress. Love it.
Love her style!( and her hair color)
Yay! One of my favourite bloggers interviewed by another one of my favourite bloggers. The world just does not get any better. Thanks, Wendy!
I LOVE this!! xo
I can’t believe Megan Mae only takes 15 minutes per post. I’m jealous of her efficiency!
This was an awesome idea, Wendy. Blogs aren’t mood boards and besides, mood boards are cool.
And I love that last outfit of hers!
Wendy, you are so good for the blogging community.
I love you. We love you.
Aw, shucks! 🙂
Nice. It’s tiring (what a word, lol) to be presented with IT girls of fashion that lack the understanding of the simple act of hanging garments properly, NOT ever hanging a 3500. Alaia knit dress (sacrilege) and do not face the world neck bowed to their b-berry (not even an iPhone, my my). Amanda Brooks irks me because her understanding of Barneys and desire to improve it may consist in showing up periodically in an evening gown.
The work that some bloggers do in transporting and sharing dreams on mood boards is beautiful and relevant, regardless of the price range. Perhaps more so when they’re creating beauty out of fashion that is not designer priced.
Fashion mean girls need to grow up. Simply, the dollars and cents of it all are at stake in denigrating a fragile industry that on Wall Street is now in red for the year.