I love that gorgeous bloggers around the world are taking pictures of Samantha (Kim Cattrall) wearing my Cleopatra earrings on screen during Sex and the City 2! That said, I discourage you from doing this without permission because people are very uptight about movie piracy. If someone thinks you’re recording the whole movie, your ass can land in jail. I don’t really have the budget to travel around the world bailing y’all out.
It started with Fashion Herald in New York, who sneaked a picture on the movie’s opening day but wasn’t arrested, to my great relief.
I didn’t realize this was going to be an international fad until Julia of The Thank You Project surprised me with a photo from SATC2’s Moscow premiere.
Then the Philippines chimed in. The Bag Hag got permission to take photos at a private screening sponsored by Mercedes Benz, so she went wild. Here are two cute shots of Samantha and the Cleopatras.
Here’s a cropped close-up.
But this one is my favorite because it’s taken just after Samantha says her “Lawrence of my labia” line. All the critics hated that line but most of the people I’ve spoken to about the movie loved it. My theater was definitely screaming with laughter.
Thank you, ladies! It’s very touching to know that people are thinking of me in such far-flung places.
UPDATED TO ADD: Lenya of The Fashion Loving Stylist didn’t get a picture but she did elicit a gasp for me in Australia. Wow! When I did this interview in 2008, I said my plan was world domination. I feel like it’s finally coming true. Mwah ha ha ha. MWAH HA HA HA!
See… you are WORLD famous!
You are definitely famous, Wendy! Congratulations!!!! The earrings are really gorgeous!!! xx
oh! i love screen shots…and yeah, i don’t know why critics got all hot and bothered about lawrence of my labia, i thought it was clever! but then again, i love puns!
Haha, if I were you, people would walk into my house and think I was crazy. They would see the Samantha wallpaper and get creeped out! I’d have Samantha-printed throw pillows lying around, a big Warhol-style rendition over the couch, printed mugs and coasters, lol.. Kim Cattrall would have a restraining order against me! 😉
Congrats! Thats so amazing!!!! : )
Hahah, I LOVE this!! Amazing set of pictures from the Philippines!
P.S. In Russian translation, the “Lawrence of my labia” was “Lawrence of my vagina”, which, in my opinion, totally ruined the whole idea behind the line! But I personally think Russians are known for translating stuff in a way that ruins everything (They didn’t ask me to help out, obviously!!)
Love the photos my whoop and clap seem quite tame now – but these photos are evidence of what a good screening the earrings got! World domination can be yours!!
I love the Labia line, the critics are so uptight and mostly men, who are jealous that they couldn’t come up with something so witty!
He he, It’s great how everyone is doing this. I also thought the “laurence of my labia” line was fab! e xx
Mwah ha ha ha! MWAH HA HA HA! That IS the laugh of a world ruler! Now all you need are slaves and dancing girls–all encrusted with WendyB Jewelry of course =D Congratulations, WendyB!!!
that’s cute!
I still can’t imagine how excited you must have been to have your earrings selected for Samantha. They look gorgeous on her!
I had to go to the bathroom really, really badly all throughout the movie, but I told my friend I wasn’t leaving my seat until the earrings came on. When they came on, I shouted, then ran to the bathroom!
Congratulations on World Domination.
GO Wendy GO!! I love bragging that “I know the girl that designed those!”
How exciting! Congratulations!
Lawrence *is* a wicked pun! Am coveting your earrings . . . sigh.
wow, love this 🙂
WOW, they REALLY show off the earrings, don’t they? I haven’t actually caught the film this time but I might have to now! xx
This is priceless Miss Wendy!!! Too, too fun and perfect for the fabulosity that is you and your earrings! I have visions of someone speaking to you from behind bars, or some “Wanted! Women Photographing Earrings!” poster.
You are ever-so-deserving of all the love. Yeppers. You is, you is, you is.
Really fun post, darling!
And I love your evil laugh ~ reminds me of Stewie from Family Guy!
Omgosh amazing! Congrats!
Hiya doll!
I’ve been wanting to stop by and bow down to your world domination for the past week, but with my computer problems am lucky if I get to check my email. The earrings looked amazing and I had briefed all of my friends to look for them when they watched.
This is so cool that everyone took these pictures. I am a coward, orange is a good color on me but I dont really like bars.
Sorry that this was a novel! *hugs*
wish I thought of that, so awesome!
OH! I’ll get you one in Costa Rica!
now I have something to do tomorrow!!
This is amazing in any language!
AHHA, see what I started?! Without thinking of possible jail consequences, as usual. Unless you’re my husband, and then you moviegoers should heed this advice I always cite when he leaves for a night out with the boys “Don’t forget, I can’t afford to bail you out.”
I love this post!!! Now I really want to take a photo for you in Melbourne!