When I wrote my first post about double denim last month, I was going to jokingly suggest a bolo tie as the perfect accessory for the look. But by the time I got to that part of the post, I was seriously into the idea. Then gorgeous blogger The Shoe Girl emailed me a link to a sex-ay picture of her wearing a bolo and I knew I was on to something. So, when I found out gorgeous blogger Stacy of taffetadarlings had a bolo from back in the day, I insisted that she wear it when we went out on the town.
Stacy also has a fabulous Miriam Haskell bolo that she got at a flea market in 1986. I’m inspired! Expect to see a bolo tie in the Wendy Brandes collection soon.
Luckily, it looks like there will be a lot of double-denim wearers in need of an accessory. Jennine of The Coveted and Independent Fashion Bloggers recently did denim separates after testing the waters with a chambray dress.
Calivintage dared to don a Texas tuxedo too, while Sheila from Ephemera proved that she was a leader of the pack with a photo from 2009. As for me, I wear double denim now and then, but more for practical than fashion reasons. If I have to sacrifice a jacket to a monsoon, I’d rather it be my ’90s Earl Jean jacket than my black zippered McQueen.
UPDATED TO ADD: Apparallel is wearing a bolo, and Fritha Louise is working a bolo WITH double denim!
Love Ur look! Gorgeous MJ rainboots, too!
Hope U had a great Easter weekend, dearest WendyB!
I am convinced on the double denim, but I am not sure about the bolo ties…maybe the result of one too many shady joints I visited on road trips through the Midwest.
I didn’t know they were called bolo ties. For the life of me I can’t think what they are called here.
You might well be onto something!
you are too damn beautiful for words. love!
p.s. and funny to boot. you are a package deal!
Hellooooo, rain boots!
You’ve managed to convince me that double denim can be well done. As to the bolos, I suspect if anyone can do it, you can.
i love denim over denim.
I have a cowboy uncle/oil man from Alberta who used to wear bolo ties. So the look doesn’t transcend those boundaries for me . . . although it does look lovely on Stacy, of course!
Back in the early 80’s a photographer was doing head shots for me and forced me into a white button down shirt with a bolo tie. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to tear those suckers off! Does the visual make you sick? So glad I didn’t get them blown up! Eww.
bolo ties? hmmm very 90’s to me, I disliked them sooo much but on Stacey it looks great probably because of the neckline and no denim
I’m surprised myself, but I’m majorly into double denim. Today it’s a denim blazer with jeans… Bolo tie sounds like the cherry on the cake 😉
I love the different takes on double denim! I especially like Jenine’s laid back take on the texas tuxedo 🙂 Bolo ties need to stay in the past. No comebacks, please!
I swear to God, if Steven starts wearing double denim and a bolo tie because of you I’m going to come up there and hunt you down!
oh nice! i tried that a few times but i just dont think i pull it off! im too short and i feel liek it makes me look smaller but you dahling look fab 🙂
i think it has to do with that beautiful smile!!!
happy day to you!
You rock the double denim, my love!! 🙂
oooh now i’m thinking about bolo ties! there are some amazing ones that’s for certain!
It’s so fun to see all these stylish ladies doing the double denim … but I still can’t see myself in this look. Too chicken.
Dang! Miss J KNEW she should have kept her bolo from when she worked at Contempo Casuals circa 1985! It was all rhinestoney and stuff, too…
Whenever you say “double denim” I think of Atlantic City. It should be a new casino game.
I saw that pic of Jennine on The Coveted the other day. Good God, is there anything that doesn’t look stunning on her? 🙂
As for bolo ties, you have such a knack for predicting trends, Wendy. I suppose we should all be searching for bolo ties before the look takes off!
You know, back in the 80s, I got into trouble for going to school wearing a bolo tie instead of my school tie. 🙂 I was a young teen upstart! Nowadays I really want another one, because I think they do look great as an accessory if you do it right. Little 13 year old me was ahead of the trend, man! 🙂
Double denim is something that, till recently (on seeing all the gorgeous bloggers doing it) I felt was NEVER gonna work for me. Turns out I wore it out to a fancy dinner on Sat. night. You heard it. Double denim to fancy dinner at chic restaurant. And I kept on my jacket all night. I don\’t feel I looked at all out of place.
wish i still had my earl denim jacket! but at least i still have my original earl jeans.
double denim is not for me but I definitely love it on others! 🙂
bolo ties?!??! oh my. and double denim. ACK. i am such a ninny. everything is scaring me lately. i am slow to come around to some of this stuff. i’ll probably get used to it when it is on its way out. ha!
hooray for yellow rain boots!!! 🙂
hello lovely! great post. i love the idea of double denim- i like the idea of breaking a lot of fashion rules- and i get so inspired by seing others doing it! you look so cute in that outfit- and i do too love jennine in her doubledenim.
hope youve had an wonderful easter
xx ediot
Hmm those bolo ties look sassy! I think this might be a trend that’s coming up, although I still say no to wearing it with double denim – that’s just too much cowboy!
love double denim, or as we call it up here the Canadian Tuxedo…
and your vintage pic is so sweet.
having a contest on my blog:
I love Stacy’s bolo!
I have a Red Sox hat I wear exclusively in the rain.
Ack! A mention and a link from Wendy?? You are awesome, chiquita, thank you!
All my double denim belong to you.
Just think, all this time I thought DD meant a bra size. Little did I know it actually stood for Double Denim!
Sorry I’m so late to comment! I have a couple more bolos to add 🙂 Your rain boots are too cool. How is it possible I haven’t seen you on these with record rain fall in March?
I haven’t pulled off double denim in a long time but it honestly looks good on you and Jennine looks adorable also
Very effortless chic outfit <3
Wendy you were ahead of the trends in 2007 with your double denim,like the yellow rainboots with it!
Jenine looks wonderful in that outfit, the knit piece brings it together.
have a gorge day
Its offical the double denim aka Texas tux is here to stay. xo Mish
you are really making fetch happen, wendyb!
Hi there-you so rock in double denim and I’m in love with those boots too!!
I’ve never seen a bolo tie look so right on as with Stacy.
Do you have any ideas for yours yet? I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Will you use leather for the ties? Or chains?
That’s it. I gotta dig out my Grandpa’s bolos and do an outfit tribute post to him! It’s a year next month since we lost him and I think the timing would be perfect. Thanks lady!
I heart Jennine.