When I wrote about the head-to-toe denim look last week, I meant it when I said, “Never say never.” I figured most people would pass on the often-unflattering Texas Tuxedo look of jeans and a denim shirt, but that something more wearable would come along. It came along fast! Check out the sophisticated denim looks of the latest Acne/Lanvin collaboration.
The dress shown here is over $1,000 and the jacket over $2,000, but I’m sure all the fast-fashion chains will have inexpensive knockoffs before you know it. (UPDATED TO ADD: Knock yourself out here, but it looks like it’s worth every penny of $24.80 and not a cent more. And I got this denim dress last year but it’s no longer available.) As the look gets around, I wouldn’t be surprised by a revival of the denim jumpsuit trend that was big in 2001 after Jennifer Lopez wore a Frankie B. suit on the cover of her J. Lo album. Just last December, Lopez was slammed for slipping back into a denim onesie, but I say she was ahead of her time. One of the Beautiful People — actress, singer, model, blogger — will follow in her footsteps and the look will click. Laugh all you want, but remember the scorn heaped on leggings, harem pants and boyfriend jeans before those looks gained momentum. Once the eye adjusts, ugly turns into pretty damn desirable.
And that’s all the excuse I need to repost my favorite Jennifer Lopez clip. Hey, J. Lo, do you want to defend your outfit?
UPDATED TO ADD: Gorgeous blogger Midtown Girl points out a denim jumpsuit in Zac Posen’s lower-priced collection for Saks.
LOL Texas Tux Ive never heard that before!! Those are two fab looks. We are post twins Ive just been posting about the double denim!
::coughs:: I um…kinda wanted that Frankie B denim jumpsuit. If this movement picks up, perhaps I can finally have my J. Lo moment.
Girl, I loved it too. I hope you do it so I can post a big photo of you on my blog!
I have a denim jumpsuit..and it’s quite the statement piece, I must say..LOL!!
p.s. Can you blame me??
Having seen your spectacular figure, I think you could be the Beautiful Person who relaunches the trend. Post a pic!
I guess I have done head to toe denim before now that I think about it- a denim dress paired with (almost vintage at this point) bottega veneta denim booties.
Love denim dresses.
I could do the first look since it is a dress.
So true… the eye adjusts. Otherwise, fashion would never be allowed to change. I’m really diggin’ that denim dress. Did I just say “diggin’?” I believe so.
i might have to break out my vintage denim jumpsuit. holla! i never say never, as i will almost always undoubtedly find myself in it at some point in time. haha. love.
captcha: rotflmao. this in itself makes me rotflmao!!
Hi there-the Lanvin/Acne pieces are just gorgeous, I must try and wear my denim McQueen playsuit sometime soon!!
I love denim, always have. Now in my forties I thought I’d not wear double denim again, but last weekend found a jeans shirt with sweet little pearl buttons in the shops in Hampstead and wore it out that night with my dark denim 7 jeans. I felt very on trend at Shoreditch House. A great feeling.
Might get that denim dress next.
Helena xx
I saw pics of the Lavin/Acne collaboration earlier today and was stunned at the sophisticated things they did with denim. You’re right about never saying never when it comes to new trends, though. π
That is my FAV JLo clip. She is a diva scream. And I don’t mind head to toe denim when its dresses, can’t do the tuxedo though.
I usually picture denim being jeans or shorts or a jacket but never a dress. That denim dress worked though.
Miss J is inordinately fond of the dress… You have to love J. Lo- she never does anything half-way. Personally, Miss J loved this look for her. The girl can rock head wear.
I have a button front denim dress I haven’t worn in about 10 years. May be time to pull it out again. I love the Acne/Lanvin one!
now that I got my denim top I was almost brave enough to go out into the world with my Texas tuxedo but got embarrassed at the last minute and I changed. Doh!
I’ve learned never to say never to any trend, because I inevitably end up eating (wearing?) my words. I don’t know that I’d be comfortable in jeans and a denim shirt, but now I’m wondering if I’ll find myself searching for a denim dress in the not-too-distant future…
That dress is fantastic. You make an important point about never saying never. I just said that about denim last week. Now I must eat my words.
I wear harem pants (ducking to avoid tomatoes flying at my head). Took me a long time to embrace this trend. Used to wear head-to-toe denim in my youth, not sure if I’d go for it now, but that dress… Oh yesss.
(Hi Wendy, I’m back from the sick)
Wow…Gorgeous but uber-expensive! The best way to wear denim though
Kiss my ass! Ha ha!!
Forget head to toe denim, let’s all go for denim sheets!
It really is all about the eye adjusting. One of the most crazy outfits I ever wore was a stretch shorts jumpsuit (a romper?) with a hip belt (also white). It had long sleeves and the shorts were basically hot pants. I wore it out one night in Montreal when I was in University. It must have been 1989. Now I was ahead of my time π
i thought i woudln’t cave on this one, but it’s all i can think about!
Though I did want to tell you, I updated my current post thanks to you (this update was actually meant to be apart of the original post but I was in a rush out of the door).
I love these looks.. damn if only I had 2000 dollars.. oh well. You know I posted about jean on jean, I like the dress option more.
Oh and now I have : “Cause am real.. ”
I’ll wait for all of you to give me inspiration. I have a denim blazer that I’ve been trying not to wear with jeans. I just might accidentally slip it on some day.
A Swedish man in head-to-toe denim and long white hair once hit on me so brazenly it was kind of offensive. Lol.. He was dressed just like the Gap girl. Acne/Lanvin are doing it way better. He might have had a better chance had he been wearing those π
I LOVE, love the first dress, now that’s what I call dress Denim! Is it still a major NO NO not to wear denim with denim.. what do you think?
I tried the double denim thing on my blog a week or so ago and it kind of worked. Maybe it just has different connotations depending on where youβre from?
I am so in love with that dress! Mr. Elbaz is just my ultimate!
I love that first dress! I’m sure it won’t be long before Topshop et al have one on the racks
I’m finding I’ve been reaching for my denim again. Feel so USA!
Now THIS is how to do head-to-toe denim. I love that shift. I only hope the denim is drapey, or it’ll be too stiff.
I can’t remember a time when I’ve liked what J.Lo has worn, but I really love her attitude about not defending herself. I respect her backbone about her own choices.
I don’t think the dress counts as denim on denim, though, does it?
I think dark black denim jeans with a light denim shirt would look really cool. xx
Love the dress, I have never seen denim look so sophisticated!
oh my! that dress!!!
i must confess that while maternity shopping a few weeks ago at h&m, i snapped up a swinging little chambray tunic to go over a pair of faded super-skinny jeans. at first i was like, “really? i’m doing this? i’m actually going THERE???” but honestly, it looked so cute and fresh that i did…I WENT THERE!!!
*Ahem* Canadian Tuxedo…and my eyes STILL hate harem pants, thank you.
sometimes it can defo work xoxox
Totally loving that denim Lanvin dress! Though still not digging the harem pants, at least not on me. I like it on a few others I’ve seen though. =)
WendyB, it’s hard to believe that dress is denim! I wonder why the model looks mad at the world?
Glad you like Tinkerbell’s latest photo. What did you think about Milton’s kitchen sink?
Winona is the anti-spam word. There’s a Winona, Mississippi, where no doubt Spam is for sale in at least one local grocery store!
It’s funny how fashion critics jump up and down when someone tries something new, and then next season they’re wearing it. It happens with every trend doesn’t it. I try not to be too critical of what others wear anymore, just enjoy the splendid flamboyance.
lol i think it’s each to his own. i’d really like a chambray something or other for the spring and summer. it’s such a lovely warm weather fabric with its own history!
i love both looks. the detail on that jacket is stunning.
The dress I’d wear in a flash. Anything else in demin, noooo!
Or DENIM, even . . . π
Well the head-2-toe Denim look IS VERY big at H&M Paris…have they been talkin’ to Jenny?
I kept thinking of her song when I passed Louboutin’s fav bistro and his shop..
Love those drawings behind the denim dress
HAHA- I hate JLO. I do agree though that ugly sometimes turns to pretty if you wait long enough…
Ugly becomes palatable pretty darn fast doesn’t it? That Lanvin dress is gorgeous. LOVE the gathering!
That blue dress is just gorgeous! π
Just this week, I learned that I should really never say never! I ordered a denim shirt online, and I never thought I’d see the day when I would pay hard earned cash to buy one!
I swore I’d never wear a denim top again (after the 90’s), but well, here I go again!