MrB surprised me tonight with the February issue of the Spanish magazine Leer (“leer” means “to read” in Spanish): in an article on November’s Committee to Protect Journalists dinner, there’s a photo of me in my Zang Toi gown. First Bill Cunningham, now Leer! I owe it all to Zang.
MrB and I were awed by Leer’s detailed description of Zang’s work.
Here’s my rough translation of the caption. “Mrs. Steiger, in an ‘architectural’ and ‘media-related’ evening dress: embroidered in silver, from the left, the New York skyscrapers Time Warner (Columbus Circle) and the Hearst building of 8th Avenue, created by the British architect Norman Foster.”
Considering the effort that Leer put into the architectural research, I will forgive the magazine for calling me by my husband’s last name. For the record, my legal name is, and always has been, “Wendy Brandes.” That’s it. No middle name. Back in the day, I would get annoyed with people who called me Mrs. Steiger. Now I am amused. I figure that MrB gets called MrB or Mr. Brandes a lot. But, in case we run into each other in the future, Leer, please remember…
Separately, does that Ting Tings video look cheap or what? Previously, I had only seen this version of the video, which looks like it was made with $5 and all the reflective tape the band could carry. I didn’t realize there was a $2 version too. I like The Ting Tings! Their record company should dust off its wallet and give the band a budget next time. Mrs. Steiger has spoken.
I guess the question is would you rather have your picture or your name in a magazine?
Well, Mrs. Steiger! At least you are not wearing the clothes off of an H&M mannequin like our friend..Stacey? Jane? Whatever it is.
Well, it will make stalking you harder if you get a stalker ever. Or maybe not. *shrugs*
Great photo and dress.
KD asks a fascinating question. I’d probably take either! (But, as a woman who has always had her own last name, despite a decade of marriage, I totally know where you’re coming from.) No one ever calls me Mrs. ___ anywhere. Then again, I’m not in any mags 🙂
How hilarious! So I’m not the only wife in the world that kept her name.
Well said Mrs. S! I didn’t have a burning desire to take the hubs’ last name…but my maiden name was Alessandrini. I was more than ready to get rid of that shiz. People couldn’t spell or pronounce it to save their life. At my graduation the dude announced Kristin Allison Drini. Ah ha ha. I feel the pain of not getting called the right name.
Thank God you dress better than she does. That’s what really matters!
I guess the record company can’t give them more money for their videos because they don’t remember her name, either. So,they don’t know how to make out the check.
Well, how damn cool is that? You’re in a magazine! I like that you kept your name – I dumped my maiden name as soon as I could (never had any attachment to it, no one can spell it if they hear it and no one can pronounce it if they read it…and it’s only one syllable).
I like that song. 🙂
I’m not sure if I would laugh or sue 🙂 I’m glad you choose the not minding route.
Also, cool song, thanks for sharing.
wow. i had never seen the $5 or $3 version. i haven’t seen any video’s these days. i wonder if all the budgets still go to the long winded r&b story lines or to the hip hop artists on the yachts with all of the ho-ish dancers? it could be me, like i said i’m totally behind the times.
you know what pisses me off about the last name situation (mine is still my given as well). i can’t even pick up a package for my husband at the post office for gods sake. really? even with the slip.
i’m sorry mrs. steiger. hopefully next time they will get it right.
for ever and ever my father is listed in the phone book under my mom’s last name and it is spelled wrong, we never figured that one out
Que bueno!! Love this. And, LOL at you being Mrs. Steiger. I do tend to think of Mr. Steiger as Mr. B. How does Mr. B feel about that?
Oohhh and I thought all along that you are MRS. Brandes! Hope Mr. Steiger does not read this but “WendyB” fits you the best!
Changing your name is such a pain in the ass, I don’t think I would have done it if I’d known. And nice research on Leer’s behalf, all for the gown!
Great outfit! You must love Zang. Was nice of Mr. Leer to put you in a magazine.
¡Muy bueno, Señora Brandes o Steiger!
“aaarre you caaalling me daaaaaaaarling?”
Well Mrs. S… you still look gorgeous in the picture! Love the Ting Tings 🙂
Leers research on your gorgeous dress was a nice touch and its always a pleasure to see you in this stunning gown, WendyB!!
i know this has nothing to do with your post but check these out!
They spent all their money on that cool bass drum.
Haha, Neimans was word verify, how appropriate for Dallas.
MrB must be mortified now that Mrs Steiger is on the lose. I can’t believe they called you Mrs Anything when we all know you are WendyB!
How strange! I wonder where they got their information … some fact-checker somewhere is getting a wrist slap.
I could listen to “That’s Not My Name” on endless repeat, I swear.
Gorgeous photo and gown, whatever your name!
I was going to leave something witty about Mrs. Steiger being your doppelganger last night, but then the joke was lost on me. You look gorgeous in that shot!
You look so pretty in that picture, I hate when people call me by my boyfriend’s last name (we’ve been together 6.5 years, but not married) and I just shrug it off now. lol.
So cool, being in a magazine:)
yeah you’ll think they’ve heard of your name from your jewelry brand? Ah, if I ever get married the guy better know that I’m not changing my last name. In the China the girls keep their last names when they marry and so that’s my argument and I’m sticking to it!
ps. if you have a minute please check out my new blog:
You look fabulous Mrs. B!
Enjoy your weekend with Mr. S 🙂
Well, at least it’s a fabulous pic!
that video is terrible, funny because the song is quite famous yet that could’ve been filmed for $40
haha, too funny with the names, and the used a great photo of you too!
I do adore you, WendyB. MrB, too. Y’all are on the same wave length and blessed to be so.
As for names, my middle one Lynette being the one I go by, in elementary school I was called “Hair-Net,” “Fish-Net,” “Twa-net,” and some such. If anyone ever found out my first name Olga, they reveled in calling me O-gah-low-gah. I don’t remember that it bothered me much.
You could always have Mrs Steiger as you evil alter ego!
Your lucky you don’t have as many aliases as I do!
I was recently featured in an article that published a last name that wasn’t even remotely mine. haha! They eventually corrected it but when I first sent it over to my friends and family, they were all seriously confused.
Even if they couldn’t get their facts right about your last name, at least the picture they got of you is gorgeous!
I like the Ting Tings too!
But not as much as I like Mr. Brandes and Mrs. Steiger!
Oh dear – well, at least it’s an honest mistake.
I love the dress that they photographed you in. Your smile just makes the photo sing, though.
I thought Mr.B was actually a Mr.B and that somehow you both had the same last name and it worked out for everyone involved.
Actually, I’m still going to think that.