What a great jewelry week! I am being spoiled by my gorgeous blogging customers. First I got mind-blowing photos of Queen Michelle from Kingdom of Style wearing the hell out of my Wendy Brandes swear rings. Today Audi of Fashion for Nerds is getting all “talk to the hand” on our asses.
Seeing these rings on such funny, cool and beautiful women makes me so proud! If you want to make someone’s holiday fucking perfect (or just treat yourself), order now and I will the swear rings to you by December 25 if you’re in the U.S. If I have to send them internationally, it might take a little longer, but who cares! Just give your giftee an IOU. When she (or he!) sees these rings, all will be forgiven. To order, email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com or…
UPDATED TO ADD: If you order the swear rings between now and December 24 (by midnight EST), I’ll throw in free priority shipping.
If only I had the money! I sort of want one with sharp little diamonds in it, so perfect for defending ones self.
I’m so loving these rings…leaving the computer now to grab darling husband and show him (hopefully my christmas gift)
More great swear ring photos and wearers – f***ing hey!
Well done on awards too xxx
Fantastic, Or should I say fucking fantastic!
These rings are hilarious. Very work-unappropriate! That’s why I love them though.
These rings are super expletives, these ladies sure are lucky to have them!!
I am truly fucking honored to be featured on your blog, Wendy!
Oh how I love those rings. If I could afford them I would buy them in a heartbeat!
These are amazing. So funny! I love it.
Audi and those rings were MEANT to be together!
Simpatico! My spam word was Milan! I must be a fashion addict! Love these rings so much, wish we weren’t bombarded with birthdays from the end of nov until the end of the year in addition to the holidays. They’d so be mine! (Even though my mouth makes up for the lack of “tasteful” rings!) I’m doing a post on rings, can I use some photos with credit of course! Feel free to email me! Love love love your stuff! Now to get to dosh to actually get some…
Those rings are fantastic and they’re so perfect for Audi!
Audi wears those rings so well!
WOW! Those rings are stunning!
Your shiz is so fun, lady. LOVE IT!
She doesn’t swear, eh?
She wears the rings so she won’t have to!
Great photos.
Wow I super love those rings ! Cool !
WendyB i wear the same things too and i ask myself the same question everyday. lol 😛 i guess good shoes make it or break it
Fuck me that’s very fucking cool, xx
im so in love with that ring set. i super hearts, wendy. those are so fab <3
I just blogged about the rings too!
roxy 😉
Sigh, you do know if my husband and I didn’t hate money I would have bought the swear rings the minute they came out. Perhaps for the new year we should vow to try and love money a little more?
These are AMAZING !!!