I’ve been trying to write a post about Lady Gaga since August. I noticed the date when I looked for this title among my drafted, but not published, blog posts. I have 160 drafts dating back to the start of this blog in July 2007, when I thought I wasn’t going to write that much and that $732 an ounce was a mind-blowing price for gold. Now I have more unpublished drafts than other people have published blog posts in the same amount of time, and gold is trading at over $1,100 an ounce. None of this has anything to do with Lady Gaga. I’m just trying to continue procrastinating my Gaga post, even for a paragraph longer. I have suffered from Gaga block in part because I am overwhelmed by love for her. Don’t get me wrong. She is no Coco. But if Coco didn’t exist, Lady G would be my idol. By the way, you can follow Coco on Twitter. This week, Coco tweeted a photo. I laughed, I cried, I looked at it again and again, I thought about putting it on my holiday card this year.
Elegant! Anyway, the other part of the Gaga block is that people make comments about her style that irritate me, and I figured some kind of rant would be required. Even short rants take energy! I barely have enough energy to drag myself through my daily workouts at the gym, which happens to be the only place I seriously watch music videos. While working out last year, I started seeing Lady Gaga’s Just Dance video. I liked the song, but I was more interested in the singer with the sharp style.
I kept wondering why, in the video, this stylish chick was surrounded by the raggedy-looking hipsters who apparently had never left the house party thrown by Kelly Clarkson in her 2003 Miss Independent video. DON’T YOU PEOPLE HAVE HOMES TO GO TO?! Leave already! Jebus! Basically, I couldn’t get totally into Lady Gaga because she was hanging out with a bad crowd. Then a couple of things happened. She wore a hair bow made out of hair, and I like bows. Admittedly, I prefer bows to be placed on the boobs or butt, but if you wear one in your hair and it’s made OF hair, you get my seal of approval.
Speaking of hair, it was the elephant-shaped hair hat that Lady Gaga wore for a performance in Japan in August that inspired me to start writing this post.
A lot of people reacted with knee-jerk outrage to the headpiece, but I knew that the hair hat was an artwork created by the late Japanese artist Nagi Noda. I thought Gaga’s wearing it in Noda’s homeland was a lovely tribute to one artist from another. But after this, I noticed a lot of people asking, “Why can’t Lady Gaga just dress normally?” Is that a serious question? I’ll answer it, just in case: Because then she wouldn’t be Lady Gaga. She’d be a schmuck like us, sitting at home dribbling Cheeto dust (or, in my case, Cadbury crumbs) onto our keyboards while posting poorly spelled fashion critiques about more adventurous people who have launched themselves into superstardom. Or, at best, she’d be this adorable, anonymous girl: Lady Gaga before she went Gaga.
Speaking of costume-y tributes, this copy of a Hussein Chalayan bubble outfit didn’t bother me at all. It’s just a fucking stage costume. She couldn’t buy the original in a store, nor was she planning to sell a knockoff with a Gaga label on it. There’s a lot worse stealing than that in fashion, children. Anyone who has shopped at Steve Madden for Louboutin knockoffs should hold her peace.
Of course, if Lady G rips off any of my jewelry, that’s another story. I will send out a thousand press releases and do a dozen blog posts that are bursting with outrage. I will simultaneously be sending Gaga classy thank-you bouquets — balloons and teddy bears included — from 1-800-Flowers in return for the great publicity. There might be a cease-and-desist letter tucked in the bouquet too, but whatevs! Gaga remains the epitome of my Wear What You Want philosophy, musical performer edition. As RuPaul used to say back in the day of real supermodels:A “You better work!” and Gaga works. (Click here for mash-up of RuPaul’s Supermodel video with Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.) And working the RuPaul way does not include a boring black dress and a fresh-scrubbed face.
While the hair hat made me want to write about Gaga, long before that, I was thrilled by the video for Poker Face. When I saw Lady Gaga rising up from a pool, wearing latex and a disco-ball mask and showing just the right amount of side-boob, I knew that I would never have to endure a Kelly Clarkson-style house party again. I could design an entire jewelry collection around that video! I liked the Helmut Newton-esque, epic Paparazzi video better, if possible. And this week Gaga outdid herself, sporting Alexander McQueen’s armadillo shoes (the genuine article!) in her new Bad Romance video.
There are lots of tributes to Lady Gaga floating around: acoustic versions of her songs, mashed-up versions of her songs, Christopher Walken versions of her songs. It brings to mind the title of artist Pauline Boty‘s painting of Marilyn Monroe: “The Only Blonde in the World.” But this parody of Paparazzi is my favorite one so far. While you’re watching this, I’ll slip away to work on the book club post that I’ve been putting off since March. Enjoy!
UPDATED TO ADD: How did I miss gorgeous blogger Annie’s Gaga post? Obviously I agree with every word.
Ashe Mischief says
Fantasy was an appropriate captcha word for this post. Lady Gaga’s living the fantasy, and like you, my love for her knows no bounds. Every day I’m baffled by how it continues to grow, and she’s probably the only woman in the world to make me cry if I met her.
The Maiden Metallurgist says
That ?Bad Romance video serioulsy makes me horny every time I watch it. And I watch it. And watch it.
Kristin says
1. When I watched that video the other day I was thrilled to see her actually walking in those McQueens as I would surely bust arse. 2. She constantly entertains me, which correct me if I’m wrong, is an entertainer’s goal…No? 3. The haters are silly plain and simple.4. Thank you thank you thank you for posting that parody. DYING.
Rebekah Coleman-Brahler says
BRAVO! Gaga LIVES the performance. To me, she harkens back to Andy Warhol and a lot of the Factory artists who lived their art and fashion was part of the creation.
I feel very fortunate to have seen her twice last fall while she was opening for…ahem…NKOTB on their reunion tour. I was BLOWN away by her, but could tell that a lot of people around me just didn’t get it.
Ms. P&C says
Did you see my post about Gaga a few weeks back? http://bit.ly/bsVVT
Couture Carrie says
Gorgeous and thorough post, darling WB!
Loves me some Gaga!!
Caz says
I completely agree. Her music isn’t really my bag, but the look and the persona… I love her. Back when she was carrying that little tea cup around everywhere? Fantastic.
cdp says
I adore her. I didn’t really pay much attention to her except for the fact that my children like her music, but I was just astonished by her talent and guts when she appeared on SNL. She is not afraid of anything. I’m glad you posted on her, and you should definitely do a piece…maybe a tiny old-fashioned camera pendant in honor of Paparrazi.
Fajr | Stylish Thought says
Lady Gaga is the Madonna of our time and why the hell would she dress normal, she’s an entertainer, not a CPA! I love that picture of Coco… lol… This post is making me go Gaga all over again…
Alicia says
I won’t go into the awesomeness that is Gaga.
That parody video, however, GIVES ME LIFE!!! Hilarious. Utterly fuggin hilarious.
Dude, did you see White Lightning’s breakdown of Bad Romance? If you haven’t, you really should. I mean, Liz uses the word “McQueenadillos.” It’s my new favorite word.
Mish says
I thank god there is an artist like Gaga at this time in history. We NEED her. The complete fantasy and escapism. She is on the new cover of Flare looking quite major. Who else can make dressing like a bird look so damn chic.
Iheartfashion says
White latex, underboob, McQueen armadillos…this video has it all!
Miss Janey says
Miss J LOVES Lady Gaga… her style, her vids, her theatricality. She’s awesome.
Brie says
She just doesn’t appeal to me. I think she is all about gimmack. I cannot even get myself to like her at all. Her music is bland, her look is always a rip off of other celebs that have done the looks better, and she has no personality.
I am glad some people enjoy her…me, I just don’t.
alixrose says
I need to live on your blog, you crack me up and the responses to your posts are just as entertainging.
I love Gaga. For some reason I find myself talking about her to someone almost everyday. I agree with a poster above who said that we needed her. Like you said she’s a breath of twisted sequined air from kelly clarksonsic artists ( i love kellys voice but she doesnt offer anything in fashion) She is killing it with her videos and making them fun to watch again..Yeah for the gaga love.
erindyan says
(my anti-spam word is “darling” so awesome)
I. Love. Her. I just do. I didn’t get it at first. But I get it now. She is over the top and crazy and I love it.
K-Line says
I have such a soft spot for the girl. Another time and place and she might have been Laurie Anderson! And really, the supermodels did go out with RuPaul.
janettaylor says
Haha! What great post, WendyB!
Nina says
off topic but when i heard about lou dobbs this morning, i immediately thought of you. haha
Vegetable Assassin says
Oh I’m always ranting about Gaga – in my head, under my breath, occasionally in my blog. She’s a giant attention whore who constantly forgets to put on her pants. I’m not saying she doesn’t have some originality or some talent but really, the talent should be your selling point not how outrageous you are today for the cameras. Miss Wendy B. step outside and I will girlie-slap you with my giant superiority because you cannot POSSIBLY disagree with me on something! Besides, you have more style in your little finger than that over processed harpy.
Gosh I’m mean today no? PMS.
pretty face says
I am so jealous that you barely have energy to drag yourself to the gym. I don’t even have enough barely energy 🙁 xx
Cindee says
I know next to nothing about Lady Gaga, except what I see of her on gofugyourself! And this Bad Romance video won’t load for me DANGIT! But I must confess, I am now very intrigued.
Marian says
love thie post so much, what a fun read. Gaga can only be Gaga, She always gives me something to look forward to in the outfit department.
how funny is that Gaga parody video? i was in fits of giggles!
Elizabeth says
Wow, that Bad Romance video is insane. The thing about Lady Gaga for me is that I can’t seem to really grasp what her face looks like. I don’t like or dislike her for that reason, but it makes her really intriguing – I can’t quite hold a picture of her in my head. I think that’s intentional, and it makes an interesting statement about modern beauty – about how we judge the interior based on the exterior, and about just how balls to the wall the exterior can be.
jennine says
omg i’m glad i went back and read that youve been writing this since august… this is probably the most comprehensive post on gaga..yet i’m left thinking two things
1. you have to interview coco.
2. i am so pleased you fit in gloria/baby smiley.
it better be perfect or you’re going to look stooopid.
enc says
Well, that was one meaty post!
KD says
Great post! I love the hairbow.
lisa says
Is that Coco’s lip gloss collection in her photo? Hilarious!
Gotta say, I was absolutely mesmerized by Gaga’s Bad Romance video. It was fascinating eye candy in every frame.
hanako66 says
I was absolutely rolling during this whole post. Well said!
Rosie says
Ahh, Lady Gaga! I resisted for almost a year, but I finally fell to the temptation, and don’t regret it at all.
Poochie says
I only listen to my iPod so I’m like a hermit, but I’ve finally succumbed as well and now have the hubby unable to get the song out of his head.
I like GaGa far more than people like stupid Rachel Zoe (is that her name?) or most of the magazine folks. Far more interesting if you ask me.
abroad says
You just caused me to watch my first Lady Gaga video. I feel like one of the cool kids now.
I certainly couldn’t take my eyes off of her – she’s fascinating, she’s no Coco, but still.
Prêt-à-Porter P says
her songs are catchy but i dont care for her videos or anything. i guess i grew up being a big madonna fan so im not impressed by her. everybody thinks when i say she’s whatever to me, people think i hate her, and i dont, i just dont go “gaga” for her, but if i hear poker face on the radio i’ll play it.
i will have to watch the walken video, i do go crazy for him.
Prêt-à-Porter P says
-ps. im still waiting for coco to be an anti-spam word.
The Clothes Horse says
Also on the bubble costume: not really that original to begin with–how many performers have already worn bubbles and balloons on stage???
She is a bit a shock value obsessive, but she’s also really creative and like the Noda hairpiece–she knows her shit. She’s making decisions with thought and that’s impressive.
sr@mystyle says
Great post-I love her music too! Have a great weekend!
alison says
its so funny that you wrote this tonight! i wrote the same post…more or less.
i love her too. its a relief that inspiring has gained success after so much mediocrity.
she is hilarious. and she is in on the joke…
Make Do Style says
Great post and yes Gaga is a performer and her clothes are performance. I would do the same and it is true what Annie said too.
Mind you I’m surprised I read the post as I was actually laughing so much at Coco – her class, her poise and her elegance know no bounds!!
Lara says
So funny! Thanks again for getting me addicted to Coco as well. I can’t believe she’s so down to earth! That recent tweets about the injured dog and getting massages at “one of those Asian shops” cracked me up.
I’m really glad you mentioned the Chalayan bubble tribute. Costume wear is a total exception. It was a stage outfit for crying out loud. The Nago Noda headpiece was really touching to me. Some people really don’t get that fashion and art are interchangeable and have a symbiotic relationship.
Luana says
I am 100% with you! I can’t believe it, just yesterday I wrote an entire post for a new installment on my blog and it was about GaGa and my love for her! I think like you, “I am overwhelmed by love for her” and that’s why it went straight to my drafts just in case I wanted to perfect it! I am definitely going to link back to this when I publish it.
I think I might be mildly addicted to the Bad Romance video..
Winnie says
Haha I definitely know what you mean about having lots of draft posts…but not nearly to the extent of your list!
Lady Gaga intrigues me. I always anticpate her stage costumes!
Jill says
I developed my first girl crush while watching a chick dance to Poker Face at a club several months ago. I have a playlist on my iPod called “Shake your Moneymaker”…GaGa is all over it!
Thank you Wendy for this post. I think she’s fabulous.
La Belette Rouge says
I want LGG to knock of your jewelry just so I can see what you order from 1-800-Flowers. Better still, she could just BUY something from you and I suppose you still might order the hearts and teddybear bouquet for her. Great post and worth the wait!
Iron Chic says
Agreed. Thank you Lady Gaga for not being boring and for your amazing pop songs.
Haha Kelly Clarson party people!
LINN says
cool blog 😀 how are you to day?
Tina says
Lady Gaga is supposed to be on Gossip Girl on Monday night! Also, your lovely Coco is looking quite demure in that first photo…intriguing.
parisbreakfasts says
Loving Bad Romance!
is it the best yet?
dunno but I’m liking her a whole lat better after this..
Yes you gotta do her a whole handfull of rings!
Don’t care for the ones she’s got now.
I. Grace says
I wish for a Lady Gaga & Wendy B collaboration in the near future!!
fashion herald says
I once did a photo shoot wrapped in bubble wrap for a hair salon called “Bubbles.” But I’m pretty sure it didn’t inspire Hussein Chalayan or Lady Gaga.
And god I love the Coco photos!
Miss Cavendish says
Lady Gaga is not typically on my radar, which is probably why, when searching for a photo of a beautiful book to post, I ended up with a photo of the Lady, with petit-point embroidered teardrops. If fact, I didn’t know it was she until I read more closely.