Want to be like WendyB? A vintage Patrick Kelly leopard print gown just like mine is available for $725 on 1stdibs.* (Thanks to gorgeous blogger Cherie of Shrimpton Couture for pointing this out to me.)
I’ve written a lot about my dress because it’s my single greatest claim to fame, having last year won me a spot on WWD’s Disaster Area page with the caption “Mee-ouch.” I love how the page helpfully explained that, “…this flock really laid a fashion egg” just in case you didn’t get the point of “Disaster Area.”
I wore the dress again earlier this month to the fabulous Independent Fashion Bloggers Dress-Up Soiree. I had a hella good time wearing a dress that was slammed by WWD among all the fashion-savvy bloggers.
Given this history, I nearly fell over when I noticed that the 1stdibs listing described the piece as “Patrick Kelly Leopard Print Dress featured in W Magazine 10/09.” W, of course, is a sister publication of WWD, and I thought it would be hilarious if W contradicted WWD and declared this dress to be the epitome of hotness that we all know it is. Unfortunately, the mention wasn’t quite THAT good. The Patrick Kelly was just shown with several other dresses in an item on 1stdibs. But, hey, at least it was featured. Mee-wow!

The dress in the October 2009 W. Oops. I ripped the corner of the page off!
Speaking of the Independent Fashion Bloggers event, please vote for my picture from the evening as your favorite. All you have to do is click here and give my photo a five-heart rating.
All the other party attendees look great, of course. But I’m pretty sure no one else was wearing a dress that had already been ticketed by the Fashion Police, so vote for me for my bravery if nothing else. (Those Mardi Gras beads I’m wearing were explained in my earlier post on the event.)
You have until October 2 to vote. Vote soon and tell all your friends so that I’m not forced to make a series of campaign speeches, or, rather, conduct a “beg-a-thon” as someone once bitched about one of my earlier campaigns. Don’t think I won’t do it! Read my previous campaign speeches to see what you could be in for. Then VOTE.
- Dec. 8, 2008, campaign speech
- Dec. 9, 2008, campaign speech
- Jan. 4, 2009, campaign speech
- Jan. 5, 2009, campaign speech
- Jan. 8, 2009, campaign speech
- Jan. 12, 2009, campaign speech
- Jan. 12, 2009, campaign speech, part II
And, what the hell, here’s one of my old acceptance speeches.
*I got my dress for $300 on eBay, so $725 is a reasonable retail price.
UPDATED TO ADD: Gorgeous commenter Kaye points out that there’s an off-the-shoulder version of the Patrick Kelly dress on eBay now.
Clearly this dress is ready to take the fashion world by storm! Click here to see the listing. If you’re going to bid, don’t forget to snipe.
Will you do a series of campaign speeches even if we do vote? Or how about if we just tell you we didn’t vote even though we really did?
Cause that would be hella awesome.
i saw that dress in W, and i thought hey that looks a lot like wendy b’s dress…
-ps. im still waiting for “coco” to be an anti-spam word
The WWD Disaster Area page… nice job! That makes you icon-worthy in my eyes! 😀
Not quite the high-neck glory of the other, but 200-some off the price:
You look positively stunning in this dress, one of my favourite pictures of you!!
This should be fun! I”ll start voting 🙂
Finally I got to vote!
Great dress, fab look and the story is still tres amusing even all these years later!
you looks gorgeous!!!!!!!! i love your dress, so sexy and hot!!!
I was tricked in to voting for you this morning, but that’s okay, it’s part of my civic duty as a fashion blogger (and you’re probably who I would have voted for anyhow).
I think the dress looks great, and looks great on you. Bravo for not giving a damn about the fashion “police” and doing your own thing!
Oh Wendy, you are the most fashion fearless person I know. And I love that you wore it again even after that incident!
bwhahahhaha! boy am I glad no one has a single clue who I am and I live in a city whose motto is “Keep Austin Weird.” there’s no telling what kind of comments people would make about some of my outfits. and then they’d probably tease me for shopping at Walmart and Target! >:O
i’m totally voting for you and giving you 5 stars. TOTALLY.
OMG! YOU are solely GLAM FABULOUS!!!!:)
I should buy the off-the-shoulder version so we can be dress twins!
Ah leopard prints are so chic!
Five hearts it is! That dress had BETTER win …
WWD, what do they know? You looked fierce in that dress!
I want to be like you but I have no occasion for a floor length satin dress (‘tho plenty of occasion for leopard print). I may just have to get some WendyB jewellery so as to be somewhat like you!
WWD was wrong, WB! You look fantastic!
I love that dress on you. And I’ve voted too. Thanks for popping over by the way, I feel very blessed. And also excited to have discovered your site so I shall be back!
HOT dress for a HOT, HOT lady! Miss J must check this out. It’s too fabulous.
We went and voted before we came back to do our comment, we just want to say you looked faaaaaaabulous Miss Wendy. It is too funny the dress is being sold with the WWD mention as a selling point, that’s creative marketing!
Grins & Giggles,
Of course I voted – DONE! I’m gonna tweet about this too – you’re just too fabulous not to get voted the best dressed…MEE-OW!
You wear this dress so well! Off to vote for you now…
I’m panicking….Something is wrong….nothing happens when I click on the hearts? what is wrong? I MUST vote for YOU!
Hi Wendy.
This dress is so very youuu!
I remember seeing you in this fab dress at the blogger soiree!!!
You 2 are meant to be!;)
Oo no that WWD feature is way off You looked AMAZING!! seriously I love how you added those red beads from IFB it gave it a extra nice touch.
Hope all is well pretty lady with the red lips =)
You got a 5 heart Meee-Wow from me.
oooh i just love this dress, i can’t say it enough!
haha, that’s aweosme you got featured on WWD!! think its a sassy dress, but they picked a bad picture that helped their ‘disaster’ cause. You looked so fab for the Soiree!
It even looks fabulous with piles of Mardi Gras beads!
Honestly, WendyB, you look gorgeous in this gown (I’m particularly in favor of the mardi gras beads- being part cajun and all ;)- You know what you’re doing and WWD… well sometimes they are just wrong, wrong, wrong.
Of COURSE I gave you all my hearts!
BTW, my anti-spam word was “jezebel” how appropriate!
I would get it, but I could never wear it as well as you. Although, cats are sort of my thing… I may have to reconsider.
If only I had some event at which I might wear a leopard print gown! You, of course, show us how it’s done. I must go vote for you now.
Girl, you can rock “fashion disaster” like no other. Gotta love your chutzpah!
you are awesome! you have some serious fashion power to rock that dress, esp after WWD- but who the heck are they. they got boring taste. keep at it! leopard print 4eva!
What the hell do they know? It’s most delicious and the red lips set it off to a tee! I quite enjoyed the one finger salute btw.
I am so over there to vote for you. You carried the dress perfectly. Anyone else sport the dress as well as you, I think.
Warning: dangerous curves ahead. LOL. No way I could pull off skintight AND leopard in one dress. But kudos to you and the future owner of those dresses 🙂
Awesome post! Thanks so much for your kind words about my dad xo
You are basically my idol, Wendy. I am so voting! And I heard you had theeee best time with Kristin! I am so jealous! Next time you are in Cali…you better tell me! I think we have lots in common haha PLUS you are just too fabulous for words… 🙂
Do I sound effing creepy? Jesus.
I love that you are so confident in your fashion choices. And I love the dress 🙂 Going to vote now!
A picture I took in January this year – kitty likes your dress!
wendy, i think you look FANTASTIC in that dress!! nobody but you with your confidence and pizazz can carry this outfit.
I VOTED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
You pull that look off while most would fall flat.
Truly a fantastic dress!
You will win by such a landslide that WWD will have to do a story admitting how wrong they were and how you in fact looked fantastic and that they were just really jealous of how gorgeous you look in the dress.
ha! hilarious! you got the last laugh 🙂