I’ve been having fun in L.A. but I’ve been doing a lot of work too. I managed to tear myself away from the laptop yesterday to sit by the pool for three hours.
While poolside, I pondered a lemon tree that, unlike more productive neighboring lemon trees, had put all its energy into creating a single large lemon.

An only child.
I also had a cocktail, as I promised Kristin I would. This being L.A., it had blueberries and acai in it for a healthy antioxidant effect. Hopefully, that will counteract my Wrinkly Slut situation.

I felt so much younger after drinking it.
I wonder if the lemon tree noticed the lemon wedge in my drink and silently screamed, “MURDERER!” I will try to make amends with this wonderful musical interlude. Take it away, Trini Lopez!
By the way, I tweeted that I was going to the pool and gorgeous but possibly appalled blogger The City Sage tweeted back, “At first I thought it said, ‘I’m going to poo’!” I can assure City Sage and the rest of you that if you ever see a tweet like that from me, I’ve been hacked and you should alert the appropriate authorities. But if talking poo is your thing, I suggest you check out this TMI Thursday post from gorgeous blogger LiLu LivitLuvit. “Enjoy!” isn’t really the appropriate thing to say as an introduction to this post. Instead I’ll say … um … well, really, I got nothin’.
Hahah loved the video. This was such a light, airy story. I’m ready to get back to studying for my upcoming exams, refreshed.
Thanks, W!!! Kisses.
Sounds so delicious and relaxing!
Yum, that drink looks good. And TMI Thursday cracked me up – now I know where I can send gross anonymous stories, thanks!
poor lonely lemon. lol but, what a coincidence! i was just in LA and palm springs surrounded by lemon trees at the viceroy. now, i’m back in nyc. enjoy!
Hahaha, love the drink name and that story! I struggle with some mean comments to, but try not to let that affect me to much.
I love how your thought-process flows all from a single lemon!!
looking at that lemon tree makes me want to go out and buy a lemon tree to make all the yummy lemonade.
Aw that lemon is so cute and industrious! Maybe not the smartest, but certainly the most determined.