Back in July, gorgeous blogger Sal of Already Pretty wrote about the hazards of wearing team colors when you’re not a fan of the team. She said:
“If you’re not a sports fan – and I’m not – it’s a challenge to wear this shade of yellow with anything in the purple/red family in Minnesota and avoid commentary. Purple and yellow means Vikings, maroon and gold means Gophers. Honestly, I just like these shades together!”
I commented, “Unless a team goes with ‘black and denim’ as its colors, I’m safe from any fan confusion.” Sal emailed me back: “I think you should START a team whose colors are black and denim! Team Wendy? Team Adornment? There’s gotta be a team in there somewhere … ”
I was reminded of this last weekend while visiting my sister, Terri Berry, in Chicago. I arrived on a Friday in a black t-shirt and jeans. On Saturday, I wore a ’90s black sweater and jeans. On Sunday, I wore a black turtleneck and jeans. Terri Berry said, “You have a lot of black tops.” Yes, I do! As I’ve said before, since I stopped wearing suits to work, I wear jeans and a black top nearly every day. I try to jazz it up with red lipstick as well as interesting jackets, shoes, purses, and/or jewelry, but underneath all that is jeans and a black top.
Now I’m inviting you to join the WendyB team. Email me photos of your jeans-and-a-black-top outfits and I’ll post a slideshow of them here. Wear a plain outfit or a creatively styled one — it doesn’t matter. You can still be on the team! You have till next Monday to send ’em in.
Don’t forget that I’m also looking for photos of houndstooth. Those are due by tomorrow. The email address is wbjewelry at hotmail dot com. Let me know how you want to be identified. Your choices are “first name, last name, blog”; “first name, blog”; or blog name only. Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces!
What would you do if Steve Jobs wanted to join your team? 😉
Personally, the only other team colours I’d wear are orange and turquoise/navy (Gulf Oil) or black and gold (John Player Special/Olympus).
I think Steve was one of my team’s earliest members…he just doesn’t know it!
Go Team Wendy! As an ex-goth, I wear surprisingly little black these days. Sure in prints or patterns (well stripes), but it’s gotta have some major whackadoodle design or texture if I’m going to buy something solid black these days.
I try to avoid jeans and black tops most of the time because I have to wear such things when I’m doing theatre work. But I like that simplicity, so my version is jeans and white or cream tops at the moment…
Go team!
Sal looks fantastic, I love those colours together.
Houndstooth? I think I have some. I’ll email you if I find some!
I don’t think I’ve got a plain black top, I’ll have a rummage through my wardrobe and see what I can come up with. x
Wendy you look FABULOUS! 🙂
I am wearing the team colors as I type!
Yeah, Steve Jobs and me wanna join the team! I’ll send a picture later this week. A picture of me that is, Steve is on his own :).
Great to hear from you, WB!
You are looking gorgeous as ever!
Love the second outfit, so elegant and smart! The bag is so cool!
I live in jeans too, but how about a navy top? I look like a corpse in black.
Woohoo! I’m wearing WendyB’s Team Colors today to go to the beach! Will post tomorrow, and send to you… soon!
Yay – I wanna be on Team WendyB! I think I’ll send a pic in 🙂 Wish I had houndstooth in my wardrobe 🙁
I hope this is OK with you…but I am completely on this team!! My weekend look is always something black and denim! I will email a photo or two…but I will have to tell my family I am on a team…they will laugh since they have called that look my uniform!
Love the colorblocking
Hi my dear-go team Wendy, I will try and do a look on this, it really is a chic casual style!! xx
sounds fun! you can count me in, now i just have to dig out a black shirt from the back of my closet
Now I feel bad about my earlier comment. RIP Steve Jobs.
Great pic, I wonder who took that photo? Somebody who is clearly a gifted photog.
Great photo of Sal. I have the black/denim uniform as part of my motif. Will see what I can put together!
I am SOOOO Team Wendy.
Sending you pics of my houndstooth (teeth?) pics now.
A subliminal Steve Jobs tribute?
A few weeks ago I picked my outfit for the day out and unconsciously dressed up as a SF Giants baseball fan which is really a combination of Halloween colors