The psychedelic See by Chloe dress that I posted a while ago has been ruined for me by Dlisted’s adored Phoebe Price (aka “Chicken Cutlets”). Phoebe Price is to Dlisted what Coco is to me. That’s the answer to a question on next year’s SATs, by the way: “Phoebe Price is to Dlisted as _______…
Search Results for: label/coco
A Pretty Face, Poetic & Chic and Freelancer’s Fashionblog tagged me with this book meme, for which I must pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and post the next three sentences. The book is Katherine Swynford: The History of a Medieval Mistress by Jeannette Lucraft, which I previously…
An Exceptional Post
I normally don’t say too much about my family on this blog, because I like to stay focused on the important things in life, like Coco. But I must make an exception because two of my peeps have been really busy. My husband has been hard at work on his new blog. And my gorgeous…
Tags. I Has Them.
Micgar over at C3 Fun recently assaulted me with an 8-themed tag. Luckily he didn’t wield a 100-themed tag, because that is a capital offense. Here you go, Micgar. 8 Things I Am Passionate About Jewelry Favorite fashion designers Queens Dogs Feminism My idol, Coco Avoiding bad movies Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate 8 Things I…
Christian Francis Roth Archives, Part II*
Oh, Eliot Spitzer. We are all shaking our heads over you. I have the feeling that at this very moment, Ice-T is kicking back in his La-Z-Boy, reading the Spitzer stories and saying, “Damn! If the dude wanted a ho, I would have hooked him up all discreet-like.” My idol, Coco, is handing her man…
Google Loves Wendy Brandes
I think Google likes me better since I shared the 2001 riding crop photo. Maybe Google wants me to make this my profile picture. Wendy Brandes will dazzle you with her shiny teefs and then beat you with her crop. Seriously, Google, why do we have such a difficult relationship? Right now, if you Google…
Damn! Coco Has a Pair of Big Ones!
Meet Coco the cat and her giant ears. What? Were you expecting someone else? Speaking of the other Coco, I think I have found my soulmate: someone who admires her just as much as I do.
I Will Have Crazy Traffic After This Post*
Holy Coco’s ass, people! You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn how to dress your Chinese dog like Ian Curtis in Kova & T latex leggings, Kanye West sunglasses, and an Anne Boleyn necklace. However, I cannot confirm whether Kelly Valen wears J. Crew sweaters. *Dedicated to my most popular search…
Whoa! Back It Up!
Believe it or not, this fall I missed some important moments in the life of my idol, Coco, and her ass. 10 things you can do with Coco’s ass Ass video Halloween ass I resolve to be a more diligent Coco fan in the year 2008. UPDATE TO ADD: Late-breaking Coco.