Nine years ago — minus just one day! — I published a post called, “Why Does Buyer’s Guilt Focus on Fashion?” In it, I wrote: “I’m always annoyed at how a fashion is incorrectly perceived as a woman’s topic, and therefore trivialized and criticized. We’re told we should feel bad about it even though men…
Get Smart About Manufacturing, Take Two
In 2010, I explained that it’s much more expensive to manufacture goods in the U.S. compared to manufacturing overseas, which results in U.S.-made goods being more expensive for consumers. CLICK HERE TO READ THE 2010 POST. I wrote that post to explain why my limited-edition jewelry designs — 99% of which are made in New…
Thrifty Wendy Brandes Jewelry on JCK Online
Thank you to Brittany Siminitz of jewelry trade publication JCK for including my hockey mask and chainsaw stud earrings in her recent post about Halloween jewelry. At $70, my earrings are the most budget-conscious on Brittany’s list! A mismatched pair like this looks great worn traditionally, with one earring on each lobe, but I think…
Happy Adoptaversary, Edward
Edward the Pekingese rescue dog came to live with us a year ago today. He looked a little alarmed when we first got him home! Since then, he’s become very comfortable. Maybe too comfortable, considering he recently decided to use our bed as his personal bathroom. Bad dog! We still love him though!
Oldchella and a Straw Hat Argument
In a debate, a “straw man argument” is a way of misrepresenting (or oversimplifying) your opponent’s position in order to make that position easier to defeat. For instance, in an April article in Foreign Policy magazine, Paul D. Miller wrote that Donald Trump’s “America First” policy is a straw man because it offers “a stinging…
Oldchella Day 3 and Bob Dylan the Nobel Winner
Yesterday, Bob Dylan became the first musician to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. That makes him one of the 11 men — all aged 65 and up — to be honored in the six Nobel categories this year. No women won a Nobel Prize in 2016, for the first time since 2012. (Nobel…
Oldchella Day 2: Neil Young’s Smile, Macca’s Shade
Two years ago, when I saw my celebrity crush Neil Young perform solo at Carnegie Hall, I thought, “This is the way to see Neil. Without the distraction of a band.” On Saturday, when I saw Neil Young perform on the second day of “Oldchella” — aka the Desert Trip music festival, in Indio, Calif….
Oldchella Day 1 and Thoughts on the Trump Tapes
I’m enjoying a weekend at “Oldchella,” aka the Desert Trip music festival, in California. Last night, I saw the Rolling Stones. I missed the opener, Bob Dylan, but the reason why is kind of great; you’ll get that story later. Tonight I’m seeing Neil Young and my almost-husband, Paul McCartney. Sir Paul showed up last…
Throwback Thursday: Nobel Prize Edition
The Nobel Prizes are being announced this week, and that always makes me think of my best Huffington Post story. In 2012, I wrote, “A Dress Worthy of a Nobel Prize,” about Jenny Carroll, the daughter-in-law of Ralph M. Steinman, a professor of immunology at Rockefeller University. Dr. Steinman died of pancreatic cancer on the…
Throwback Thursday: Long-Term Trends and Lipstick
In 2013, I wrote a piece for the Huffington Post about the surprisingly long life of fashion trends — a story that grew out of my “Never Is the Next New Thing™” adage. CLICK HERE TO READ THE TREND STORY. For the story, I spoke to Sheila Aimette, vice president of U.S. content for WGSN,…