Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has (finally) done something useful. She is raising money to initiate the recounts of votes in the three key swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. State recounts must be requested by a candidate — in some states, any candidate on the ballot can do it. Stein isn’t expecting…
Audit the Vote: Make Your Voice Heard
Pick up your phone and call these numbers. Demand an audit of the vote. CALL* White House switchboard: 202-456-1414. Department of Justice: 800-253-3931 (then press option 5) or 202-353-1555. Your state senators and local representatives: Get their numbers sent right to your phone by texting your zip code to 520-200-2223. For more phone numbers and…
Audit the Vote: Urgent Action Items
This situation is developing so I may have to change information in this post, but I wanted to share some phone numbers ASAP. At this time, it appears that in three districts in Outagamie County in Wisconsin, the initial and unofficial vote tally showed that the number of ballots cast for president exceeded the total…
Holiday Gift Suggestions and Black Friday Sale
Since the 1980s, PNC Financial Services has released an annual Christmas Price Index, which tracks current costs of the goods and services that are the gifts given by the “true love” in the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.” I’ve always been amused by the way PNC calculates the costs because — let’s face it…
The Weeks in Review
In case you missed it, here’s what’s been on the blog lately. There aren’t as many posts as usual because I’ve been distracted by the scary political situation in the U.S. Monday, Nov. 7: I wrote about catcalls, consent, and rape culture. Tuesday, Nov. 8: I was so excited to vote! Saturday, Nov. 12: I’m…
Wendy Brandes Jewelry on HTGAWM and Bella
While I’m working on my next big political post, I’ll share some good jewelry-business news from what turned out to be a surprisingly busy week. Singer Mary J. Blige guest-starred on last night’s episode of How to Get Away With Murder (one of Shonda Rhimes’s hit shows) and she did it while wearing my Bull…
This Is an Actual Emergency
When I was a child, I was afraid of tests of the Emergency Broadcasting System. They were so shocking. One minute, I’d be enjoying Morgan Freeman’s performance as Vincent the Vegetable Vampire on The Electric Company. The next minute, my innocent eardrums would be assaulted by the ominous whine of the Attention Signal. Before remote…
A Symbol of Safety
You’re safe with me. More styles soon.
Have you voted yet today? I was at my polling location at the 6 a.m. opening time after — literally — no sleep at all. Zero minutes of sleep! Done! #ivoted #vote #electionday2016 #noprotestvotesplease #nastywomenvote #nastywomengetshitdone A photo posted by Wendy Brandes (@wendybrandes) on Nov 8, 2016 at 3:55am PST I was standing in the…
Catcalls and Consent
One good thing came out of this year’s horrible presidential campaign: Women are speaking openly about how we are treated in the workplace and public spaces. It’s not that we never did before, of course. The @everydaysexism account on Twitter was started in March 2012. You can read thousands of personal stories there (though they…