Town car driver, about WendyB: “Mr. Paul, is that your daughter?” Husband: “No, that’s my wife.” Driver: “No, Mr. Paul, that’s your daughter, right?” Husband: “No, not my daughter. Wife.” Driver: “Mr. Paul, congratulations. You very lucky man!” UPDATE TO ADD: There’s a very nice interview with Paul on mediabistro. Check it out.
Free Association With Search Terms
Here are my initial reactions to some of the search terms that bring people to this blog. “Life is full of disappointments.”Yep. “Why does Steven Tyler have scarves tied to his microphone”It’s purty. “Empress Wu photo”There were no cameras in the 700s. Idiot. “Can’t wear underwear”Why? Religious reasons or allergy? “My husband has a tiny…
Models and White Powder
My adorable designer friend Zang Toi showed his Adirondacks-inspired fall 2008 collection at Bryant Park today. You can see a video of the whole show here. (Select “shows” and then mouse over the images for his name. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the rockin’ music he really used.) Check out the fake snow sprinkled around the…
Hearts and Blouses for Valentine’s Day
Yoox is having a cutely named “Be My Valentino” sale of Valentino items through Feb. 14. You have to register for the site to shop the sale. How do you pronounce “Yoox,” anyway? Inquiring minds want to know. A romantic Valentino top Also, my Sophie heart necklace is about to be sent off to its…
Post #400: A New Handbag Has Arrived
I wouldn’t let Henry get close to this new Prada bag because I am dithering about whether to keep it. What to do …. what to do …. “Why do I have to pose with handbags anyway?” Previously, he was allowed to hang out with a Vuitton. “Stephen Sprouse was so genius.” And he got…
Bows, and People Who Don’t Love Bows
Designers are finally taking my bow declaration to heart. Bows abound. (Nice work, Gwyneth.) Unfortunately they seem to be in the wrong place. Get those bows away from the neck and back on the butt where they belong! And since some people have asked, of course I loved Sandra Oh’s lambasted-till-someone-got-educated SAG award gown! Embed…
Fill in the Blanks. Get a Story.
Are you a reporter who needs to write a fashion story? Here’s a helpful outline! Runway TrendsBy I.M. Tedious Find woman in department store. Be sure to make her sound humorless. Explain how said woman can’t find anything office-appropriate in the store. Explain how the coming season is even less office-appropriate. Quote from dismayed retail…
Cut It Out, You Heel!
Along with other bloggers, I’ve been observing the recent stampede of cut-out heels with interest. Robert Clergerie Giuseppe Zanotti Dior KORS Michael Kors Nine West The Nine West shoes in action at Kingdom of Style More KORS Michael Kors Luichiny United Nude was ahead of the pack when it launched its Mobius style in 2003….
The Post Office Delivers Amusing Things
My Amazon order of The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy by Robert Leleux arrived. I know it doesn’t sound like my usual royal reading, but the author is kind of a queen. Robert and his eccentric, wig-wearing, man-chasing mother live in dull Petunia, Texas (“Where God Stuck the Enema,” as Mother calls it), but drive…
Stella McCartney for LeSportsac
This bunny rucksack by Stella McCartney for LeSportsac is available for pre-order now. It reminds me of Donnie Darko. Donnie: Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit? Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?WendyB: Why are you wearing that bunny rucksack?