If you want to do the backwards-heel thing without being a Marc Jacobs enabler, Y-3’s got you covered. Y-3 Wedge$750 on eLuxury Marc Jacobs Backwards Heel$1,100 on Net-a-Porter Last month, my dear friend Fernando von Bakonstein was perplexed by this style. Fernando ponders a shoe in Paris Speaking of shoes, Jildor has lots of gladiator…
Can’t Get Enough WendyB?
If so, you need help! Seriously, even I’ve had enough of me. If it were possible, I’d go on a vacation without me. That said, it was awfully nice of gorgeous blogger Vyque from Fasshonaburu to do a big interview with … me. Check it out here for her sake! Totally random 2003 photo of…
We’ll Start Our Own Gang
One of you has to buy this sequined Antik Batik jacket. It’s on sale at Yoox for $130, down from $268. I’ll wear my matching sequined Antik Batik dress. We’ll start a terrifying gang called the Golden Girls and have violent initiation ceremonies. For our more casual gang days, you’ll need a pair of Acne…
Does Anyone Have Orangutan Arms?
I got a kick out of the seller’s description of this sweater on eBay. “I’m not even sure where to begin the description of this sweater. It’s a nubby off-white acrylic knit, and was apparently made for either a Yeti, or a knuckle-dragging caveman. The sleeves hang way down past the bottom of the sweater….
If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride
I wish I could un-read the story Miranda Purves wrote about her vagina for the June 2008 issue of Elle. I especially wish I could un-read this sentence: “His hand crept between my legs and he poked in a tentative finger.” You see, Miranda is feline a bit stretched-out. But some men appreciate a big…
Attention NYC-Area Duran Duran Fans!
I’ve got two tickets to see Duran Duran in Central Park on May 31. I can’t use them. You blog roll bitches should use the comments to tell me how much you like Duran Duran and why. The person who writes the comment that pleases/amuses/moves me most gets the tickets for free.* You have 24…
The Pig Has Landed
Fernando von Bakonstein has safely returned to his Illinois home. Don’t forget to stay tuned to the International House of Blogcakes for future iHog adventures. To reminisce about the pig’s visit with me, click here. Here’s one last iHog photo. Someone came to my blog by searching for “jewelry-sniffing dog.” I was sure they really…
Not Fairy Likely to Find Prada on Bluefly
For a few days, I’ve been obsessed with finding the Prada Fairy Bag on Bluefly. Bluefly keeps sending me emails advertising the bag, and each time I immediately scour the site for it, only to find neither fairy hide nor fairy hair. I emailed Bluefly to inquire about the situation, and received this reply: Thank…
Liar Pants
My delightful graphic designer Lori Kadezabek turned 30 today. Her boyfriend got her my Isabella Wolf-Fang Necklace in silver. Isabella Wolf-Fang Necklace© Wendy Brandes 2007-2008Photo by John Muggenborg Lori picked out the necklace herself, but her BF wanted to surprise her, so he told me that if she asked, I should say I hadn’t heard…
Quirking Along
I’ve previously done the “six unspectacular quirks” tag, but since gorgeous bloggers Fasshonaburu and Pretty in Black have both tagged me, I’m doing it again. Please note that I will beat a bitch’s ass if anyone else tries to tag me with this. I’m supposed to put the rules here, but I’m not going to….