There was a 21st-anniversary reunion of the Wayne’s World cast last week. Reading about it, I realized that not only did the people involved in that movie have great taste in music — they had great taste in jewelry too. Check out this picture of Lara Flynn Boyle wearing a “WAYNE” necklace that’s exactly the…
Recommended Reading, Copy of the Day, Week in Review
There was some enlightening reading in the New York Times this weekend. If you missed it, check out the cover story of the New York Times Magazine: “Our Feel-Good War on Breast Cancer,” by Peggy Orenstein, about how “awareness” (including mammograms and all kinds of pink shit sold in October) hasn’t decreased breast-cancer deaths. I’ve…
Customer of the Day: Susan of Une Femme d’un Certain Age
I need to start a Customer Hall of Fame because it seems like a bit of an understatement to describe gorgeous blogger Susan of Une femme d’un certain age as a “customer of the day.” Susan has been a customer of mine since 2008, when she bid on the Diana heart necklace I was auctioning…
Fashion Repeats Itself: Side-Ass Style
Now that we’ve all gotten used to side-boob, it’s time for side-ass. says that all eyes were on Gwyneth Paltrow’s hips last night, thanks to her Antonio Berardi gown with sheer panels. Click to see the Gwyneth Paltrow pictures. I’m happy to say that I can shop my closet for this trend. I’ve got…
The Fader, Trinidad James & Fashion Blogger Gangsta Boo
The Fader has a good interview with hot new rapper Trinidad James, aka Trinidad Jame$. James was signed to major label Def Jam due to the success of his independently produced video for “All Gold Everything,” aka the reason I randomly say “Woo!” when I’m hot and sweaty. (The video is NSFW and REALLY not…
Designers Speaking Their Minds, and Me at Melina Bee
I enjoyed Isabel Marant’s interview with Telegraph Fashion last month. The French designer, whose wedge sneakers kickstarted the fashion sneaker trend last year, let her many imitators have it: “Everybody who has the wrong one looks quite bitchy, very vulgar, when mine are not at all.” I’m not 100% sure what it means to look…
What Wendy Wore: The Crazy-Leg Boots Again
It seems that New York City is skipping spring this year. With one or two exceptions, it’s been very chilly here. I have a feeling we will go straight from chilly to sweltering, without pausing at “pleasant.” On the bright side, the cold weather has given me a chance to wear some winter clothes/accessories that…
Week in Review: Glad This One Is Over
This was a strange and horrible week. It’s good to see Boston back in business. If you’d like to donate some money to help the victims of the marathon bombing, here are two lists (with some overlap): Wicked Local Mashable Here’s what was on the blog this week: Monday: My safari adventures and, from later…
Customer of the Day: Tracylee Percival, the Nail Ninja
I’ve written a lot about celebrity manicurist Tracylee Percival on this blog, but I’ve never mentioned that she helps me with things beyond nail art. A lot of people try to give me ideas about how to promote my business. Tracylee is the only one — and I mean the ONLY one — who gives…
Women With Attitude: Skylar Grey and Whoopi Goldberg
Singer/songwriter Skylar Grey has a nasty new song out and I love it. In the hypnotic “Final Warning,” Skylar informs her cheating boyfriend that she’s driven his truck into a lake. Then she tells him she’s going to go to the kitchen to fetch a knife. It’s clear she’s not going to use it to…