I’ve been keeping the newest design from my signature Wendy Brandes luxury line under wraps for a long time, but, now that it’s romping around Elton John’s Oscar party, it’s time for y’all to have a look. Actress Leven Rambin Instagrammed this photo of my bull and bullfighter Maneater ring. Leven spotted the ring on…
My Best Dressed at the Oscars: Pharrell, Jared, Lupita
The men are killing it again! At the Grammys, the dudes outdid the ladies when it came to adventurous fashion, and they repeated their achievement at tonight’s Oscars. Tuxedos are getting lively! I liked the blue tuxes worn by Kevin Spacey and Jason Sudeikis, and the burgundy one worn by Michael Strahan. E! red carpet…
What Wendy Wore: Zang Toi for a Pre-Oscar Party
The last time I wore the mermaid outfit by my designing friend Zang Toi, the weather in New York City was monsoon-like. Now, in Los Angeles, the weather is … monsoon-like. MrB said cheerfully, “At least you’re dressed to swim home!” Indeed I am! What Wendy Wore Halter and skirt: Zang Toi (2013) Shoes: Tom…
The High Price of Oscar Jewelry
In my paean to Elizabeth Taylor’s relationship with jewelry, written after the star’s death in 2011, I mentioned that celebrities today are sometimes paid to wear jewelry, unlike Dame Elizabeth, who owned her own diamonds. March’s Vanity Fair — the Hollywood issue — has more information on the price of red-carpet representation. Here is a…
Throwback Thursday: Eurythmics and Courtney Love
I wrote about Eurythmics member Dave Stewart in 2007, mentioning that I’d interviewed him in the mid-’90s. During the photo shoot for the story, we — Dave, me, the crew — got thrown out of a hotel ladies’ room. This week, I stumbled across the Daily News item that ran after the bathroom “scandal.” Next…
Thank You to the Peeps at Nasty Gal
Good news for the alert customers/readers who recently tipped me off to some knockoffs of my swear rings! The peeps at e-commerce retailer Nasty Gal have followed in the footsteps of Patricia Field and pulled a copy of my swear rings from their website. It seemed to be the same product Patricia Field got from…
Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon
Did any of you watch Seth Meyers’ Late Night debut last night? I didn’t, but every time I read about or see something about Meyers and his fellow Saturday Night Live alum Jimmy Fallon’s takeover of The Tonight Show, I think, “Thank Xenu that NBC’s late-night shows are safely in the hands of white guys…
What Wendy Wore: Katie Couric at Columbia Spectator Dinner
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m the chairman of the board of alumni trustees of the Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia University’s student newspaper. Every February, the Spectator has a big awards dinner. We always have high-profile keynote speakers. Recent ones have included Arianna Huffington (Joan Didion presented an award at that dinner as well); Julius Genachowski,…
The Week in Review
In case you missed anything on the blog this week, here are links to all my posts: Monday: Family fotos. Tuesday: Blue lipstick and a Zang Toi jacket. Wednesday: The official spokescat of Wendy Brandes Jewelry. Thursday: Vintage selfie. Friday: Wearing my heart on my sleeveless vest. Saturday: Fucking furniture! And you definitely don’t want…
I’m Waiting for the Obtuse Ottoman Sale
I am amused by a giant sign in the window of a Manhattan furniture store. How do they know the sofas aren’t stupid, though? Have IQ tests been given? What if the sofas are street smart and not book smart? And has anyone thought to check the sofas’ emotional intelligence? So many questions here.