I am pleased to see that pink elephants are in style, or, more specifically, in the Thursday Styles section of the New York Times. As the Times reported, attendees of runway shows being held at Milk Studios during New York Fashion Week will be greeted by a 10-foot-tall inflatable pink elephant, designed by artist Tristin…
Throwback Thursday: My Oldest Friend & Outfit Inspiration
When my parents moved out of my childhood home last year, they gave me lots of old photos. I was rummaging through those yesterday when I came across a photo of me with my first-ever friend. I was 10 weeks old when that photo was taken. (Teddy was wearing diapers because my father wanted me…
Hal Finney, Privacy, and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
As I’ve mentioned before, I like to read the obituaries in the print edition of the New York Times — the physical act of turning the pages draws my attention to stories that I wouldn’t necessarily click online. Monday, I read an obituary for cryptographer Hal Finney, who died last week at age 58 from…
The Week in Review
In case you missed anything on the blog this week, here’s what happened: Sunday: MTV VMAs flashback to the 1995 Madonna and Courtney Love encounter. Monday: My best dressed at the Emmys were Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Tuesday: My sister took a greeting-card-worthy photo of two pugs. Thursday: My Lego-print Castelbajac dress seen over…
What Wendy Wore: 2011’s Ubiquitous Prada Dress
I wore a cheerful Prada dress to a friend’s birthday party last Saturday. What Wendy Wore Dress: Prada (2011) Shoes, mostly cut off by photographer MrB: Prada (2011) Lipstick: Pleasure Bomb by RiRi Hearts MAC Jewelry: My own designs I got this dress in 2011 after everybody — including Gwen Stefani and Tina Fey —…
Throwback Thursday: Castelbajac Lego Dress Over the Years
My name is Wendy Brandes and I’m a Jean-Charles de Castelbajac-aholic. One of my first Castelbajac purchases was a Lego-print dress and matching shoes, which I got in 2009. I wear the shoes frequently, and I do the full, head-to-toe Lego look about once a year. I haven’t always photographed the combo, but I did…
Happy National Dog Day!
It’s National Dog Day and I’ve been looking for an excuse to post a photo recently taken by my gorgeous sister. Those aren’t her pugs. She just spotted them while she was out for a walk and they were out for a drive. The “duh?!” expression on the pug on the right reminds me of…
My Best Dressed at the Emmys: Woody and Matthew
Awards-show fashion has been all about the men this year. Once again, my coveted Best Dressed/Wear What You Want award goes to the dudes. My Emmy favorites were Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey, stars of HBO’s True Detective, who wore coordinated tuxes in autumnal hues. #454163748 / gettyimages.com Five years ago, people would have made…
MTV VMAs Fashion Flashback: Madonna in 1995
In honor of tonight’s MTV Video Music Awards, the always-highlarious Michael K of the blog Dlisted shared a classic clip from the 1995 VMAs, when Courtney Love threw a MAC compact at Madonna before crashing the latter’s pre-show interview with Kurt Loder. “Courtney Love is in dire need of attention right now,” Madonna observed. I…
The Week in Review, Featuring Rihanna and Eminem
My big blog posts this week were dedicated to the Monster Tour, featuring Rihanna and Eminem. I took MrB to his third Eminem concert (and second Rihanna at MetLife Stadium last Saturday night. I saw the show again on Sunday and wound up in the second row with my gorgeous friend Jen. My best videos…