Purrkoy would like to thank the members of the armed forces who gave their lives for their country … especially the sailors. Aaaaand now the Village People are going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
The Week in Review
In case you missed it, here’s what was on the blog this week: Monday: My recap and verdict on the Mad Men finale. Tuesday: Nasty Gal thinks a Balmain jumpsuit was its own. Wednesday: Lots and lots of David Letterman links in honor of his final show! Thursday: Mr. Chubbs and the Peke not taken….
Read All About Me on FashPlay
Thanks to the gorgeous Ali A for interviewing me for FashPlay, the site where “fashion and gaming collide.” Not only did Ali spend a long time with me on the phone, but she made me sound coherent even though I was sick and kind of rambling when we spoke. (And I completely lost my train…
Throwback Thursday: Mr. Chubbs & the Peke Not Taken
I brought home my late, great Pekingese Mr. Chubbs from the city pound on May 10, 1996. At my apartment, I placed him on a new dog pillow and put a chew toy next to him. We contemplated each other for a while. I’m always nervous on the first day with a new pet. I…
David Letterman and Meg From Across the Street
Tonight is the last broadcast of The Late Show with David Letterman, which has aired on CBS since 1993. First Mad Men ends and now this! It’s too cruel! Of course, everyone’s been indulging in Dave’s greatest hits for weeks. You can find lots of photos, videos and stories — going back to Letterman’s weatherman…
Balmain Vs Nasty Gal; Billboard Music Awards
This story is giving me LIFE, as the kids say today! On Sunday, Taylor Swift wore a white, cut-out jumpsuit to the Billboard Music Awards, and retailer Nasty Gal proudly claimed credit for it, as one does when a celebrity wears one’s designs. View image | gettyimages.com Too bad it wasn’t a Nasty Gal piece…
Mad Men Finale: I’d Like to Buy It a Coke
Mad Men came through for me last night! It was totally worth skipping the FKA twigs concert I’d planned to attend in order to see the finale in real time. Do I really have to say that there are spoilers here? There are spoilers here! I honestly didn’t know what to expect, though there were…
The Week in Review
In case you missed it, here’s what was on the blog this week. Monday: I bought some strange greeting cards. Tuesday: FitzRoy the Cat ear climbers. Wednesday: My snake earrings made it into a National Jeweler slideshow. Friday: Don Draper says what? And here are the highlights from Instagram. Monday: Heaven Has Heels featured my…
Mad Men on My Mind
I’ve spent all week wondering what’s going to happen on the series finale of Mad Men on Sunday. If you could film what was happening in my brain, it would be like this. Will you be watching on Sunday? Also why isn’t there a video of the many times Joan says, “Ex-CUSE me?!”
Wendy Brandes Jewelry in National Jeweler
Thanks to Cindy Edelstein of National Jeweler for including my snake earrings in her TrendTracker piece on serpentine designs. This earring style — and its matching necklace — was inspired by and named after Mary Queen of Scots. For the mini history lesson that explains that, click here. I’ve had this design for quite a…