I’ve been listening to Nirvana’s Nevermind album recently. When it came out in 1991, I got it on cassette after work and ran home to listen to it even though I had the beginnings of a headache. In fact, I listened to it over and over on full blast until my headache developed into a…
Souvenir From London
One thing I love about U.K. magazines is that they occasionally give me presents. My keychain is a light-blue heart from Aspinal of London that I got with an issue of Tatler a while back. This month, while in London, I picked up an issue of Elle that came with a Paul & Joe Sister…
My Hearts Will Go On
I didn’t get to a lot of shows during New York Fashion Week because I had a big non-fashion-related event on Saturday, February 13, followed by the all-day Independent Fashion Bloggers Evolving Influence conference on Monday, February 15. The Saturday event caused me to miss my designing friend Zang Toi‘s show for the first time…
Roma-Ro-Ma-Ma! Gaga-Ooh-La-La!
Honest to God, I was a very shy child… …but that was a long time ago, little monsters. More about the Lady Gaga concert soon (that’s my souvenir t-shirt above). Also, thanks to all of you who have posted and tweeted about Janet, as well as everyone who has generously donated and/or purchased a Teeny…
Jimmy Choo for H&M and … Duck!
I walked by H&M on 5th Avenue yesterday and saw workers literally rolling out the red carpet for the launch of the Jimmy Choo collection today. If — no, WHEN! — I do the WendyB line for H&M, I promise that all you blog roll bitches are going to prance down the red carpet and…
Happy 4th of July
Boob Bow T-Shirts
In technicolor: McQ top$140 at La Garconne In black and white: McQ top$106 at La Garconne Note to Alexander Wang fanatics: La Garconne has some of his pieces on sale.
In Honor of Madonna’s 50th Birthday
I have a Madonna concert t-shirt that’s older than some of you bloggers. Click the photo to see what year the shirt is from Speaking of people who weren’t born when I bought my t-shirt, congratulations to Style Rookie, Childhood Flames, Fashion Robot, Fashion Toast, That’s Just My Vibe and Fashion Pirates who are all…
A Basic Wardrobe, Part III
I’m finally wrapping up my posts on my basic wardrobe, after being tagged by the gorgeous K.Line. Here are my first two posts: A Basic Wardrobe, Part I: Old Basics A Basic Wardrobe, Part II: Lipstick, Shoes and Jewelry At last, I’m up to the clothes I wear nowadays. Daytime is all about (yawn) denim…
Be Mused
Every great designer needs a muse. Alexander McQueen had Isabella Blow. John Galliano had Amanda Harlech. Yves Saint Laurent had Betty Catroux. Moira McLaughlin has me. Yes, I inspired Moira’s “I Eat Your Milkbone” dog t-shirt. This isn’t the first time I’ve be-mused one of Moira’s clan. Her sister Sheila helped me out during my…