The late Mr. Chubbs (a CHINESE DOG) certainly enjoyed the taste of his own nose! He looks so happy in this December 2003 photo. If you would like to make a stamp out of this picture for your holiday cards, that would be very peculiar. But don’t let the fact that I think you’re a…
Don’t Get Taken to the Cleaners
Most gold jewelry can be easily cleaned at home with a soft toothbrush and warm soapy water. Or, if you are lazy like me, there are solutions that you can purchase. Never use harsh detergents or bleach. You can gently rub the piece with a soft, dry cloth too. You do not need to buy…
Another Picture of the Britney Spears Ring, Y’all!
It took me a while, but I’ve scanned the OK! Magazine cover as promised. Click the photo to enlarge and you’ll see that my Borgia ring is taking part in a topless, Sapphic pool romp via Britney Spears’s right hand (and boob). Scan of OK! Magazine cover Here’s the closeup: In case you don’t recall,…
Bluefly Lies About Acne Jeans?
I find it very annoying when a store fibs about the original retail price of an item in order to make a sale look better. I recently posted about a sale on Acne Jeans, Hex style, Radison wash. Just now, I spotted some Acne items on Bluefly and was ready to share that information when…
Britney and the Ring
I finally dragged out the scanner, so here’s the picture from OK of Britney scampering off while wearing my Borgia ring, as well as a close-up of the ring. I’m not too keen on those tighty-whities she’s wearing, but I suppose they’re better than nothing.
Britney Spears stole my ring, y’all!
Run out and get the Britney’s Meltdown issue of OK! Magazine. Ms. Brit-Brit is wearing my Borgia ring on page 46. She helped herself to that ring and quite a few other items during the shoot. It’s always nice when someone appreciates my designs but I generally don’t like to offer customers a five-finger discount….