… that soon they will be considered Old Media and the bloggers will be complaining about a passel of New New Media whippersnappers eating their lunch! Speaking of meals, ParisBreakfasts pointed out a gushy Herald Trib story on fashion bloggers. Congrats to everyone mentioned in it, but I hope this Chris Cholette fella didn’t have…
The Late Marc Jacobs
Run, tiny Marc Jacobs, run! The angry villagers are coming with their torches and pitchforks! Yes, that’s him on the left. Last week, I was too outraged by Marc Jacobs’s outrage at our outrage to post about it. Confused? The Marc Jacobs show last Monday started two hours late. Word had gotten out that the…
Edie Falco Wins Best Emmy Hair … IMHO
Didn’t Edie Falco look great last night? My very own personal hair guru, Keith Carpenter, did her hair. Good job, Keith! And of course I think Edie should have won because I am a huge Sopranos fan. Embed from Getty Images
Just What Teh Interweb Needs … More Tits!
My gorgeous stepdaughter showed me the very funny Indietits site this weekend. Get your mind out of the gutter! They’re birds. Well, I admit they are very dirty birds. Dirty hipster birds. The archives don’t seem to be working on the site, but if you click on the links for the RSS or LiveJournal feeds,…
For those of you who are too young to have seen Brooke Shields in the 1980 Calvin Klein TV ad that caused a scandal, here it is. UPDATED TO ADD: How thrilled am I that the Manolo enjoyed this too! The Manolo’s shoe blog was the first fashion blog I ever read. I am delighted…
Great Minds Think Alike … About ’80s Sunglasses
In case you didn’t believe that Kanye West’s Venetian-blind sunglasses are based on an ’80s design, I present a blurry screen cap from Animotion’s amazing 1985 video for “Obsession.” I’m not sure what kind of drugs everyone was on when this video was shot. To see the whole video, click hereGlasses appear at about 2:50….
Thursday Book Club: Introduction to Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn Good lord! When I said I’d do a Thursday book post, I didn’t realize Thursdays were going to start coming at me so fast and furiously! When did every day become Thursday? I feel like I just did Katherine of Aragon a minute ago. Katherine was the first of the six wives of…
My Latex Obsession
Leggings from The Row, via Sleep Deprivation and Stories of My Bullshit Youth I’m back in latex-blogging mode, thanks to gorgeous blogger Jen, who pointed out these latex-looking leggings from The Row. According to Paper Magazine, they’re actually stretch leather. I’m not particular about the material; it’s just the look I like. When Kate Moss…
Lucy Liu Wore Evan’s Skirt!
Well, not his own personal skirt. I mean, I’ve never seen my friend Evan Ross prancing around in that skirt, but if he did, who am I to judge? “Wear What You Want” is my motto and if you are a man who wants to wear a skirt, more power to you. Anyway, since seeing…
Marc Jacobs Made Anna Run for It!
Marc Jacobs started his show over two hours late. At least this time there was ventilation, so I didn’t sweat all over my Ossie Clark dress. Due to camera problems, I missed a good shot of Posh Beckham aka Victoria Spice. Fortunately, fashion reporter Cheryl Tan was willing to do her best Posh imitation. Cheryl,…