I enjoyed this piece by the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning fashion critic, Robin Givhan (registration required), though I disagree with the constantly reinforced notion that everyone, “in the boardroom, in politics, in suburban neighborhoods,” is feeling unbearable daily pressure to meet some Hollywood standard of physical perfection. Barbie is a popular scapegoat. I live in New…
I would have loved to get my hands on this ’50s Helen Barbieri gown, but someone else snatched it up from Vintageous. And I pondered this Bill Blass coat on Poshvintage.com but felt guilty about having so many coats already. I was relieved when someone else bought it and saved me from myself. Separately, why…
Ma Nah Ma Nah
Since Sunday, I’ve had Muppets on the brain. “Ma nah ma nah,” I say in a friendly way to my husband when he comes home from work. “Doo doo doo doo doo,” I yell when he stands in front of the TV. All the big stars used to do The Muppet Show. Having reviewed many…
You’ve Been Tagged!
Annie of Poetic & Chic, per your request, you’ve been tagged with the four things tag! As promised, a drum roll: And a 21-gun salute. Twenty-one gun salutes aren’t as exciting as you might think, unfortunately. UPDATED TO ADD: Narcist: Consider yourself tagged. I’m out of guns and drums, so I hope you will be…
One More Time
I’ve been tagged again, this time by the gorgeous and sometimes naughty Valley Girl. Now the theme is “four.” I’ve already done “six” and “seven” tags. This tag is more structured than the others, which makes life easier, but where will it end? A squillion-item tag is probably going around the Internets at this very…
People Will See Me and Cry*
If I get any more famous I am going to ask myself for my autograph. I won’t do it during dinner or in the doctor’s office though, because we famous people hate that shizz. No pictures! No pictures! First, the gorgeous and famous Jennine of The Coveted interviewed me for Independent Fashion Bloggers. I really…
I Defer to the Authority of the Bootmaker
I’m obsessed with these Finnish* boots that Cheap Opulence posted. She also pointed out great striped sweaters by Saint James. On top of that, she makes things for Preloved! I have three pieces by them. Weirdly, I got them in Oslo, though they were made in Canada. Speaking of boots, if you’re a size 39,…
Ossie’s Back! Part 2
Bad photo of a nice Ossie 2004 I had a nice chat with Al Radley this week. Al is the clothing manufacturer who owned the rights to the Ossie Clark name and just did a deal to revive the line. He bought the rights in the late ’60s when Ossie was deeply in debt (clothes…
Play a Game, Win a Prize
Click here to play a fashion game that has my jewelry in it. Separately, a belated thank you to Bobble-Bee for giving me a “Thinking Blogger Award.” Woot!
A Bright Spot on a Gloomy Day
Queen Elizabeth II famously described 1992 as an “Annus Horribilis.” Yesterday was a “Dies Horribilis” for me. Every petty thing that could go wrong did go wrong. True, things could be much worse, but knowing that does not make the bluebird of happiness fly merrily around my head, tweeting, until I finally get fed up…