I finally wore my J. Crew argyle sweater out to dinner last night. Hopefully this sweater won’t disintegrate like the other J. Crew sweater did. But even if it does, I will always treasure a photo that gives new meaning to the word “twinset.” Bonding with a charming employee of Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar &…
Hello, Dolly!
Greetings to all you people visiting from Doll’s Realm! You are a quiet, non-commenting group. Don’t be so shy. You know, before I posted that photo of me in the (pseudo) latex leggings, I wondered whether or not I’d really want to see that picture all over teh Interweb. What if I did something stupid…
It’s Cold Out Today
Brrr. Winter is here. You better wear a hat. I recommend this one. Bearded hat via Kitsune Noir More hats here (thanks to Carol at Paris Breakfasts). UPDATED TO ADD: I don’t know how I could do this post and not mention HATtastic!
Sex-Ay New York City Blog Bitches…
…holla at me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com. Sex-ay bridge & tunnel bitches can holla too. Don’t ask why. UPDATED TO ADD: Okay, holla at me to tell me if you are free December 20. (Sorry, Jenn! My calendar wasn’t up-to-date.)
Boob Bow Redux at Luxx
Yep! The boob bow is the new hot thing. First it was the butt bow. Now it’s the boob bow. This boob bow was brought to you by Luxx Magazine, published by the Times of London, part of the Murdock/h MegaEmpire. Speaking of MegaEmpires, did I not tell you that Google was going to punish…
Great Minds Think Alike … About a Leaf
I just noticed that Macy’s seems to have a knockoff of jewelry designer Jennifer Meyer‘s leaf necklace. The original leaf necklace by Jennifer Meyer I thought the Macy’s leaf (below) WAS the Meyer leaf at first, but I think I see subtle differences, plus the price is too low and it’s in 14K, not 18K….
Four Years Ago This Month, and Last Night
The late Mr. Chubbs (a CHINESE DOG) certainly enjoyed the taste of his own nose! He looks so happy in this December 2003 photo. If you would like to make a stamp out of this picture for your holiday cards, that would be very peculiar. But don’t let the fact that I think you’re a…
Great Minds Groupthink Alike
Blog #1 (ahem! mine!), Dec. 3: “But the dark side of Greek life, and of any organizations that deemphasize individual rights in favor of the “common good,” is groupthink, hazing and the exclusion of outsiders, rebels and accidental troublemakers. Feel free to reread Lord of the Flies.”Blog #2, Dec. 4: “And then, she was exiled…
Boob Bowz? LOLZ!
My friend Jane suggested that since I successfully brought butt bows back, I should now tackle boob bows. Apparently, Anne Hathaway had a tough time with the boob bow sitch earlier this year. Jane has a now-dormant blog called Boycott the Bag. It had many smart and funny ideas in it, but let’s face it….
No, Really, This Is the Last Time
I declared I was out of the tag business, but since I am not inspired to write anything else right now, I will answer the tags of Diva in a Carry On and, belatedly, SkyBluePink. I know! I’m such a user. Seven more facts about me: I have four stepchildren. The oldest is six months…