I loved this vintage dress when I saw it from the front … …. but I ADORED it when I saw it from the back! UPDATED TO ADD: This under-the-boobs, red-white-and-blue bow made my heart skip a beat! It’s very French Revolution, non? Alas! It is too small for me. Look at the back! Wild!
Lucy Liu’s Clothes in Cashmere Mafia
Dear Googlers of “Lucy Liu and Cashmere Mafia clothes”: I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that you can’t have those clothes because a lot of them are one-of-a-kind vintage pieces. The good news is that if you’re in New York, you can shop for your own one-of-a-kind pieces at the…
Kneel Before Wendy Brandes
Superman II was the best of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies because it had three hot villains. Okay, it had two hot villains. The dude on the right was just some kind of Wookiee with slightly reduced body hair. But on the far left, we have Ursa. Behold the beauteousness of Ursa! Behold her fabulous…
We Tag the World. We Tag the Children.
If you weren’t sentient in the ’80s, you missed some interesting fashion. You also missed the moment when wealthy musicians from the U.S. and U.K. first started tormenting innocent African people with insipid charity songs. It’s bad enough to be starving. It’s worse to be starving while some craptastic song generates large amounts of money…
Google Hates Wendy Brandes
Google “Wendy Brandes” right now and you’ll find my soon-to-be-updated jewelry website, my 2001 wedding announcement, a nice interview that Jennine of The Coveted did with me, and don’t forget my all-important, highly relevant and immensely popular 1998 book reviews. But where oh where has my blog gone? Why has the main link gone from…
The Unique Style of Judaysia
I discovered Judaysia of A Hair Affair on teh Interweb and quickly realized that she has very good taste, so we got to talking. She has a private-clients-only hair salon in Malibu, but in the ’80s, she designed clothes that were sold at cutting-edge New York shops: Patricia Field, Ian’s, and Unique (my favorite). I…
Hot Tip for World Leaders
People have been hunting for Osama Bin Laden for years, but he is nowhere to be found. This can only mean one thing. He’s in the same “safe place” where I put months of bank statements, two inexpensive necklaces and my thigh-high black suede boots. All we need to do is find that place and…
Shiny Leggings!
By Norma Kamali, in gold and silver, for $100. I don’t know why they seem to be packing heat. Tranny tights? Whatever. I don’t judge. Speaking of Norma, I’ve had my eye on this fringed top for a while, and now it’s on sale, but there are no returns or exchanges, so I don’t want…
I Will Have Crazy Traffic After This Post*
Holy Coco’s ass, people! You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn how to dress your Chinese dog like Ian Curtis in Kova & T latex leggings, Kanye West sunglasses, and an Anne Boleyn necklace. However, I cannot confirm whether Kelly Valen wears J. Crew sweaters. *Dedicated to my most popular search…
New Year’s Eve With Altamira
Gorgeous blogger Altamira joined us for New Year’s with his lovely friend Lola. He’s posted a funny action photo of me dancing my hair off (literally!) to my favorite song, Smells Like Teen Spirit. Check it out! And, yes, Dita Von Teese and I use the same tanning salon. UPDATED TO ADD: I’ve decided that…