Check out Boobie Wars!* I don’t think I should enter. No one can compete with my amazing bosom. It wouldn’t be fair. Wanna participate? Here are the rules. They don’t seem to be gender-specific, so let’s see if any of you boys out there have man-boobs to rival General Zod‘s. Kneel before Zod‘s cleavage! *This…
Sheer Madness
The last Marc Jacobs show I attended raised a lot of questions in my mind. First, I thought, “Why is this guy so late?” Then I thought, “Where does he get off acting this way?” Then I wondered, “Why didn’t I stay at that nice restaurant and have another drink?” Finally, I asked myself, “Who…
Boob Belt!
Dress by Roberto Cavalli Not for me. I’m going to stick to bows.
Life Is Full of Disappointments
I thought I had found the perfect replacement for fish feet: bat shoes! Bat shoes by Miss Bunny on Etsy Sadly, they’re not available in my size. Thanks to Ooh! Shiny! for bringing this to my attention.
Peek Into My Prada
Big Glasses Girl and Gnarlitude Jen tagged me to name six things in my handbag. My favorite Prada bag has made an appearance on this blog before. Here it is, enjoying lunch with its identical twin. This bag is roomier than it looks. I’m carrying: 1.The basket of bread from the lunch photo. Why let…
Protected: Happy Delurking Week!
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Damn! Coco Has a Pair of Big Ones!
Meet Coco the cat and her giant ears. What? Were you expecting someone else? Speaking of the other Coco, I think I have found my soulmate: someone who admires her just as much as I do.
Kova & T Latex Leggings Get a Good Review
Not me!!! Due to my long-running latex leggings/shiny leggings obsession, I frequently mentioned Kova & T’s leggings last year. August 31 September 13 September 27 September 30 December 22 At long last, someone has satisfied my inquiring mind by trying the leggings and giving them a rave review! Check it out! NOTE TO BLOGGERS: If…
Book Club: Shopping Under the Influence
I was determined to get back into my royal lady book posts today, but I seem to have misplaced the Empress Wu novel that I was working on. Plus, I’m feeling a bit flu-ish, which has sapped me of the energy necessary to tear through the house on a mad search for Empress Wu, especially…
Boots That I Won’t Be Buying
I was very attracted to a few pairs of gray boots on sale on Net-a-Porter. Luckily, none of them were available in my size. If I had ordered them but they weren’t comfortable, I would have had to tangle with Net-a-Porter’s customer service people in order to return the boots. The last time I had…