Ever since I wrote about leather shorts in April, I’ve been getting blog traffic from people searching for the phrase “where can I buy leather shorts.” I like to be helpful so I’ve been keeping an eye out for interesting vintage options. Here they are. Click the photos to shop. Just to give you some…
Jewels of the Month: New Swear Rings for Pre-Order
Due to popular demand, I’ve created two new swear-ring sets. The “OMG” and “LOLZ” rings are August’s Jewels of the Month and you can pre-order them for fall delivery now. Just like my original “F@#!” swear rings and their asterisk sidekick, the new rings are solid sterling silver — these aren’t bubblegum-machine rings that are…
2001 Hair Flashback
While looking for some old pictures of Gigi the dog, I found some good shots of my short 2001 hairdo, taken by my father, GeorgeB, on my birthday that year. Here are some of my other past ‘dos: The perm The pixie The ’80s The Shelly Duvall
Having a Samantha Moment in a Stacy Lomman Dress
As I said in yesterday’s post, I got together with gorgeous blogger Jennine of The Coveted last week so she could photograph and interview me for her denim blog, Eat, Sleep, Denim. While we were at it, I wanted to get a picture of a dress made for me by gorgeous blogger/clothing designer Stacy Lomman…
Just Crickets Here Today
I’m not here. I’m at Independent Fashion Bloggers, talking about crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Visit me there and leave a comment!
Last Sale of Summer 2010
My final summer sale will be held at my designing friend Zang Toi’s studio on August 17, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The address is 30 West 57th Street, 7th floor. If you won’t be in town that day, you can check out my virtual sale on my website on August 16. Items will…
Ossie Clark Is Fugging Fabulous
Thanks to commenter Carrie for pointing out that director Lucy Walker’s vintage Ossie Clark dress made it onto Go Fug Yourself. Carrie remembered that I had re-posted this 2004 photo of myself last month. I read Go Fug Yourself from 2004 to 2006, when comments were regularly allowed (now they’re selectively allowed.) Commenters ranged from…
I Am Amused
Here are a few things I’ve heard recently from friends and one brand-new acquaintance that made me laugh. “Don’t sign too many autographs, Paul. It cheapens them.” — said to MrB by our handsome friend Barney. “I’m going to retweet the hell out of this!” — comedian Baratunde Thurston. “I got this dress at a…
Adventures in Engagement Ring Redesigning
I do a lot of custom work in my jewelry business. A customer comes to me with an idea and I make it a reality. Sometimes I create a piece from scratch, like I did with these dog cufflinks. Other times, customers come to me with old jewelry that they don’t wear anymore and I…
What Wendy Wore: Amazing Belzer
Last night, our generous friends Barney and Kathryn took us out for a belated anniversary dinner at Ouest. I wanted to wear something I hadn’t worn yet this year and picked a purple Black Halo dress from 2008 (see the blue version on Debra Messing here). I was running late as usual, so by the…