Last year, after winning both my categories (Blog With the Most Swears and Blog With the Most Pictures of the Blogger) in the “prestigious” Drysdale Awards thanks to an exhausting and exhaustive campaign, I had a Shermanesque attitude about potential future Drysdales. “I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected,” I…
Special Occasions
Thanks for Giving, Part I
Several gorgeous bloggers have surprised me with thoughtful gifts over the past few months. I’ve thanked them by email, but it’s way past time to thank them publicly. I still need to take photos of several items, so I’ll start out with just one: the Ghostbusters uniform Halloween dress made by Practically Perfect in Every…
“Caption This” Contest Winners
I loved all the caption suggestions for the backstage photo from my post on the Francis Spring 2010 look book shoot. I admit I was a bit surprised we got no “The Pet Goat” suggestions, because that’s what Jennine, Christian and I thought of when we first saw the photo. C’mon, people! It’s okay to…
Look, Ma, No Teeth! (Don’t Forget to Vote)
I’m amazed that gorgeous blogger Vyque of Fasshonaburu got a picture of us at the Independent Fashion Bloggers Dress Up Soiree in which I’m smiling but not showing teeth. I’m sure I haven’t taken a picture like that in 20 years. Hmmm. My memory is going. Have I mentioned that Independent Fashion Bloggers is having…
Your Wedding Wish Is My Command. Now Vote!
Last week, I mentioned that at my 2001 wedding, I changed out of my Richard Tyler wedding gown and into a custom-made white leather halter top and hip-huggers. A few of you requested pictures. Here they are. I thought I was being pretty edgy with the leather at the time, but the gown is so…
The Post Without Any Fireman Photos
It’s my gorgeous sister Terri Berry’s birthday today! I was recently going through some photos from my wedding in July 2001 and would like to share this one of the Berry clowning around in front of me, our parents and the about-to-be-MrB. She had that navy gown already and had only worn it once before,…
I’ve Got Heart
Gorgeous ex-blogger ENC did a little Photoshop work on Tuesday’s sequined pants photo so you can see it without the ugly carpeting. Last night, I decided to go with a tough biker chick look for our eighth wedding anniversary dinner at Balthazar. Here I am in my leather vest, hanging around with some graffiti and…
Paris, Day 3: Bastille Day With Tom
MrB and I met up again with our handsome friend Tom for Thai food and fireworks.
London, Day 2: More Naughty Art
I first went to London when I was 15. During that trip, I bleached my bangs blonde and got my left ear pierced for a second time. When I arrived home, my mother was very upset about these things. Good thing I didn’t tell her that I smooched a 20-something guy during the whole flight…