Damn, girl! The day before hitting the stage with Coldplay at the Super Bowl, Beyonce released a surprise single and video called “Formation.” She outdid herself with this Hurricane-Katrina-referring tribute to black pride and black power. Here’s a tweet that sums it up nicely. She is the biggest star in the world, standing on a…
Valentine’s Day/Anti-Valentine’s Day Countdown: #5 of 14
It’s National Wear Red Day today — part of the effort to raise awareness about women’s risk for heart attacks and strokes. Did you know that women often experience different symptoms than men do? The illustrations posted here are very helpful, but you should check out the comments too. It’s educational to read about individual…
Valentine’s Day/Anti-Valentine’s Day Countdown: #3 of 14
I’ve been daydreaming about wearing head-to-toe red sequins on Valentine’s Day. Bianca Jagger looked fabulous in her dress and matching beret in 1974. CLICK HERE TO SEE BIANCA’S LOOK. Dustin Hoffman didn’t look half bad either! You can skip the dress-shopping and look ravishing in red on Valentine’s Day (and every other day) with my…
Valentine’s Day/Anti-Valentine’s Day Countdown: #2 of 14
Some people loathe Valentine’s Day. “It was invented by Hallmark to sell cards!” they complain. That’s not true, though. The holiday can be traced back to the kinky ancient Roman holiday of Lupercalia, which was then adapted by early Christians, who liked to de-kink pagan holidays by co-opting them and giving them a new backstory…
Valentine’s Day/Anti-Valentine’s Day Countdown: #1 of 14
With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, I’m going to go crazy and give you a countdown of 14 Jewels of the Month instead of the usual one. Of course, not everyone feels the love for this holiday, so I’m going to alternate between Valentine’s Day suggestions for the romantics — and anti-Valentine’s Day designs suitable…
Throwback Thursday: Jewelry Designs From 2006
I went into jewelry designing full-time in 2005, and I did a lot of small trunk shows and private sales right up until the financial crash of 2008. Some of the shows were in homes of friends and family, others were in hotels. This photo from January 2006 was taken in the home of a…
Bye, Kitson!
In 2010, I wrote about a Wall Street Journal story by Christina Binkley called “The Problem With Being a Trendsetter.” It was about how small designers’ products get ripped off by companies that can afford to mass-manufacture cheap versions of signature designs. (Two years later, this would happen to me with Topshop.) Binkley’s story mentioned Elle…
The End of an Era for Patricia Field
I’m sad to see that Patricia Field is closing her eponymous store. I used to browse there when I was in high school; I couldn’t afford to buy anything, but I liked to look. Back then, the store was located on East 8th Street. My most memorable visit was on July 31, 1984, when my…
You Might Literally Die If You Miss My Jewelry Sale
If you missed Jessica Bennett’s recent New York Times story on the latest developments in Internet-speak, you better read it if you ever hope to communicate with me again. Srsly, the new jargon is so second-nature for me now that I just can’t even when people don’t use it. When I get a text, email…
Jewelry for Every Budget: Pre-Holiday Sale or Splurge
Didn’t get to my Cyber Monday sale yet? Don’t panic, because I’m extending it through Friday, Dec. 4. CLICK HERE TO SHOP THE SALE. Jewelry is meaningful — you’re not buying a $5 fast-fashion t-shirt here! — and I’m giving my gorgeous clients extra time to consider what they want the most. Plus, because all…