After my Never Is the Next New Thing™ post on mullet dresses — or as I prefer to call them, high/low hemlines — 10 fashion bloggers graciously shared photos of their high/low outfits with me. Check out the slideshow on the Huffington Post and leave some nice comments for the ladies. CLICK HERE TO GO…
Jewel of the Month: Hashtag Ring for #peoplewhotweet
Are you #addictedtoTwitter? Show your love by wearing my sterling-silver hashtag ring. Originally, the hashtag ring was only available as part of my four-ring swear-ring set, but due to popular demand, I’ve given it a solo role. (Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at @WendyBrandes.) The swear-ring set previously led to two other designs:…
WendyB Earrings in W Magazine
Get ready to run to the nearest newsstand to snatch up W Magazine‘s July issue with Beyonce on the cover. Superstar stylist George Cortina, who did the rock-icon-inspired “Hit Parade” story, dressed model Joan Smalls as Prince in a Balmain jacket and … my Matilda sword earrings. Woot! Thanks, George! Here’s my own photo of…
Fashion Advice for Halle Berry
I’ve got nothing bad to say about Halle Berry’s amazingly sex-ay look at Wednesday’s FiFi awards. My only thought is that if you have a body that’s THAT incredible, you shouldn’t bother with the dress! Wear nothing but your heels and a big smile. The world will thank you for it. The Halle photo is…
Never Is the Next New Thing™: Maxi Skirts
How many times have I heard women moan that they can’t wear maxi dresses or skirts? Too many. If you can wear a floor-length wedding, prom or evening gown — and anyone can, no matter what her height — that means you can wear floor-length, period. It just has to be the right cut to…
“Real” Women Wear Leopard
See them at The Huffington Post. And don’t forget to leave a nice comment! CLICK HERE.
She Looks Like Bjorn Borg to Me
Yesterday, The Huffington Post ran my article about fashion writer Suzy Menkes’s use of the word “squaw.” The word appeared in a story about royal headpieces published in the New York Times’s T Magazine, and was used in reference to the late Princess Diana: “Then there is a cabochon emerald collar that the stately Queen…
“Please Refrain From Using Ethnic Slurs”
I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I’m less politically correct than I used to be. It certainly would be difficult to watch nightly reruns of offensive-to-everyone Family Guy were I hypersensitive. Still, when dealing with the fashion world, I sometimes feel like I need to reiterate the warning that Will Ferrell, playing a beleaguered…
Wendy Brandes in Crain’s New York Business
Eilene Zimmerman interviewed me about the jewelry biz for the latest issue of Crain’s New York Business. You can read the story here and leave Eilene a nice comment. The delightful Buck Ennis took my picture for the article. I’m not very comfortable in front of the camera unless I’m doing the WendyB pose, so…
Visit Me at The Huffington Post!
I have a version of yesterday’s Elizabeth Taylor tribute on The Huffington Post today. Visit me there and leave a comment! CLICK HERE TO READ MY POST.