Ah, the double standard. When kings fool around, all is right in the world. When queens fool around, it’s treason. Why treason? Because if a queen gets pregnant by a man who is not her husband, a child who is not of pure royal blood could wind up on the throne. In effect, that partly…
In the News
Play a Game, Win a Prize
Click here to play a fashion game that has my jewelry in it. Separately, a belated thank you to Bobble-Bee for giving me a “Thinking Blogger Award.” Woot!
A Bright Spot on a Gloomy Day
Queen Elizabeth II famously described 1992 as an “Annus Horribilis.” Yesterday was a “Dies Horribilis” for me. Every petty thing that could go wrong did go wrong. True, things could be much worse, but knowing that does not make the bluebird of happiness fly merrily around my head, tweeting, until I finally get fed up…
Dressing for All the King’s Men
A few months ago, my husband talked me into buying a vintage Herve Leger bandage dress. I wore it for the first time this weekend. I can carry off tight. I can even carry off short. But short and tight? I felt like a hoor, as they would say on The Sopranos. Or mutton dressed…
The Fame Clock Is Ticking
If you think Andy Warhol’s line, “Everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes” is overused, you’re not alone. Embed from Getty Images In 1979, Warhol himself said, “I’m bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is, “In fifteen minutes everybody will be famous.’” I will now present my most recent…
Six Facts About Me, Requested by Lady N
The gorgeous and outgoing Lady N has tagged me, so I’m going to list six facts about myself. I’m not going to tag anyone else because I fear everyone has been tagged a million times (I think Lady N got to all the untagged people!). But if you haven’t been tagged and feel like doing…
Ossie’s Back!
I am thrilled that the Ossie Clark label is going to be revived at last! I know the guy who held the rights to the name and he was trying to get something going for long time. But he wanted something high quality, and someone who would respect the label. None of the Topshop/H&M stuff….
A Few of My Favorite Things
Gorgeous client Shell recently asked me which of my own pieces are my favorites. That’s a tough question! But here are a few things that I like to wear. The Queen of Scots necklace, which you’ve all seen plenty of times (and I haven’t even gotten to my Mary Queen of Scots Book Club post…
Guess What Happens on November 1?
Pumpkins are taken in back of the barn and shot. Great. Now PETA (Pumpkin Euthanasia is Tragic Always!) is going to be all over my ass. In other news — and I know this is going to hurt you much more than it hurts me, as my high school English teacher used to say —…
Why Does Buyer’s Guilt Focus on Fashion?
The short answer: sexism, my friends! If you have very little patience or time, you can stop here. Otherwise, you may continue. The long, meandering answer starts momentarily. If you would like to use the restroom, you might want to do it now. I’ll wait. Take your time. Okay! Welcome back! As I’ve read more…