In fashion, what comes around goes around …. and around and around and around. On Thursday, I read a Wall Street Journal story called “Transparent Style That’s Sheer Daring” by the lovely Christina Binkley, which was about see-through clothing being big for spring. That trend has been bubbling up for a while — I wrote…
In the News
Gothic Is Great, Plus the Week in Review
Just days after I posted about how my latest manicure was inspired by the 13th-century Gothic chapel Saint-Chapelle in Paris, street-style photographer Bill Cunningham of The New York Times says, “The gothic and medieval eras are casting their spells over fashion. Today’s look of black leggings and abbreviated coats suggests men in the 1400s.” Cunningham’s…
For All You Lovers of Dialect AND Jewelry …
The American Dialect Society — founded in 1889 — voted “hashtag” as its word of the year for 2012. Social media has transformed the humble pound sign into a hot property! Celebrate with a sterling-silver hashtag jewelry design from my WENDYB by Wendy Brandes diffusion line.
Kanye West, Azealia Banks & a New Year’s Resolution
Yesterday, after I gave Kanye West a pat on the back for his edgy wardrobe choices, he went right back to doing what he does best: complaining about how the world won’t let Kanye West be great. While venting at a second show in Atlantic City last night he said the Grammys have done him…
The NRA Speaks
Today, the National Rifle Association had a press conference to address last week’s school shooting in Newtown, Conn. Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president, was twice interrupted by protestors from CodePink. The complete transcript of the press conference can be found here. Some highlights include his blaming real-life gun violence on video games, movies,…
Gwen Stefani on Vogue’s Cover
I love Gwen Stefani’s cover for the January issue of Vogue: the face, the pose, the clothes. I think it supports my theory that music-industry people — including Gwen, Rihanna and Gaga — make much better high-fashion models than most actors. Yep, if you’re not going to give me supermodels, give me singers, fashion magazines!…
Yoko Ono’s Gun-Control Billboard From 2000
In 2000, Yoko Ono paid for this gun-control billboard showing her late husband John Lennon’s blood-stained glasses. I’m appalled by the number of gun-related tragedies that have occurred since then.
Career Stories: Gene Weingarten and Skylar Grey
I generally don’t covet anyone else’s exact career path. You have to take the bad with the good, and I wind up thinking that one or more aspects of that other person’s experience wouldn’t be ideal for me. Like having to be Donald Trump’s daughter, for instance. But I’ve finally found my fantasy job and…
Distressed About Leather, Plus the Week in Review
As a lifelong feminist, it pains me to admit it, but there is one thing that men are often* better at than women … SHOPPING. Surprise! But it’s true. And I’m not talking about how men are hunters and women are gatherers when it comes to trips to the mall. I’m more interested in the…
Torture by Vonage
I’m tortured by a television ad for Vonage phone service, in which customer Kimberly Klecza explains why she uses Vonage to call her Nana. Kimberly really does say, “Letters and text messages are just thrown aside … conversations you don’t get rid of … they’re memories.” Yes, of course, there’s nothing like hearing a loved…