The ancient Celts believed that the boundaries between our world and the spirit world were more easily crossed on the festival day now known as Halloween. That’s why I chose this date to help Gigi the dog make her transition. I felt that at Gigi’s advanced age of 16, she deserved an especially easy journey….
Throwback Thursday: Gigi the Dog Is Sweet 16
Gigi the dog turned sweet 16 this month! We’re not sure exactly what day her birthday is — we got her in February 2003 as a rescue when she was 18 months old — but October 18 keeps popping up in my mind, so let’s pretend she turned 16 yesterday. Naturally, we celebrated with a…
Edward the Dog or Edward the Porg?
Happy adoptaversary to Edward the dog! It’s been a mostly enjoyable two years of cuteness and mischief. However, I’ve recently come to suspect he’s not a dog at all. Based on the trailer for The Last Jedi, it appears he may be a porg. Behold! Just found out my dog is really a porg. #starwars…
Seen in New York City
It was a beautiful spring day in New York City, so I took a few photos to share with you. I was inspired when I came upon these two models modeling. Then I noticed a window box of flowers. I appreciate these. It’s like, “Yay! Someone’s making an effort.” My favorite flowers are blue ones…
Happy Adoptaversary, Edward
Edward the Pekingese rescue dog came to live with us a year ago today. He looked a little alarmed when we first got him home! Since then, he’s become very comfortable. Maybe too comfortable, considering he recently decided to use our bed as his personal bathroom. Bad dog! We still love him though!
Edward the Dog Is a Star
While I’m in Vienna, my designing friend Stacy Lomman has been petsitting all the “animules,” as we call them. She’s their aunt, after all! Stacy told me that she took Edward the Dog to the dog run (Gigi the Dog stayed at home, because she hates most other dogs) and, on the way out of…
What Wendy Wore: The Pre-Halloween Ho Stroll
It’s been a long time since I’ve done the Halloween ho stroll, to borrow a phrase from the highlarious Michael K of Dlisted. I’m more likely to dress for the holiday as a non-sexy Anne Boleyn, Adam Ant, member of Devo, or random Mod girl. That said, I figured that for a drinks date on…
Introducing Edward
After Henry the Pekingese died last December, I wanted to get a pug. When that didn’t work out, I decided I wouldn’t get another dog for a while. But then, last week, I saw this face online. Cheddar the Pekingese was at Social Tees Animal Rescue, where I spotted a Peke in 2010. I always…
Throwback Thursday: Mr. Chubbs & the Peke Not Taken
I brought home my late, great Pekingese Mr. Chubbs from the city pound on May 10, 1996. At my apartment, I placed him on a new dog pillow and put a chew toy next to him. We contemplated each other for a while. I’m always nervous on the first day with a new pet. I…
Throwback Thursday: The Late, Great Mr. Chubbs
For Throwback Thursday, here’s a May June 1996 photo of my first Pekingese, Mr. Chubbs, shortly after I brought him home from the pound and cut his long matted hair off. There was a cute dog under there! I think Chubbs looks a little bewildered by the recent changes in his life, not to mention…