Welcome to Wendy’s Lost and Found service! Did you leave your little wooden bike carvings in the back seat of a New York taxi last night? If so, I have them. I also have the fuzzy bag they came in. Speaking of fuzzy, my thought process certainly was when I decided that it was better…
Some Pre-Holiday Laughs for the Ladies
This is from 2014 (and largely scripted, I believe), but it just went around the Interwebs again for some reason, and I’m glad it did. “Meh” is one of my favorite moments, but it’s all high-larious. Enjoy!
Who Is Your Fashion Audience?
Some people say that women dress to impress straight men. (Not a good idea, as I’ve pointed out before.) A lot of women say they dress for themselves. I can’t believe it took a meme to capture my target audience. This includes jewelry of course! #Repost @feminiiism ・・・ MEEE #Feminism A photo posted by Wendy…
The Road to Floral Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
For my parents’ 50th anniversary yesterday, I was so excited for them to receive the special bouquet I had sent them. I’ve been laughing uncontrollably at the floral disaster that was actually delivered. I stopped laughing long enough to write an email demanding my money back. I’ll use the refund to buy my parents dinner…
Throwback Thursday Fashion Humor
I love an old joke that’s new to me. I even love an old joke that I’ve heard 100 times before. Anyway, this is the throwback fashion joke my friend Thelma told me recently: A woman is wearing a pencil skirt that is so tight she can’t get up the steps on the bus. She…
Almost as Good as SkyMall
Yesterday, I said getting catalogs in the mail isn’t as fun as getting a letter. I realized how wrong I was when I got this catalog from Bits and Pieces. Who wouldn’t want these sneaker socks?! Bits and Pieces says, “These novelty sneaker socks are printed to resemble popular hi-tops that cool kids have been…
Peace and Love … and Cussing
I always appreciate it when people write about my work. Thank you to Cindy Edelstein for including my peace sign emoji earring in her thoughtful Peace and Love TrendTracker report for National Jeweler. Cindy wrote: “In light of recent attacks around the world, including in Paris and Beirut, there is only one trend to track…
When Good Names Go Bad on Social Media
Last night, while scrolling through Instagram, I was stopped cold by the IG handle “lamer.” I thought, “Who the hell would call themselves ‘lamer’? And lamer than what? Is there a ‘lame’ and ‘lamest’?” Then I realized this was the account for the fancy skin-care company called La Mer. Bwah! You’d think someone in La…
Pet Peeve: Celebrity Profiles and SANS FARDS
I’ve been wondering if it is possible for a writer to profile a famous woman for a magazine without mentioning in the first paragraph that the woman in question is SANS FARDS (without makeup). The answer: It is not possible. Here is the first paragraph of Lynn Hirschberg’s profile of model Gigi Hadid, who is…
I’ma Get Medieval on Your … Owl!
Here’s a tweet for history buffs. I keep looking at it to have a laugh. Click the image to go to the source and see the funny illustrations. I’m really upset that I’ve never visited the cat bakery before! I’ve also found a replacement for the many now-defunct “royal” Twitter accounts I followed in 2010….