I’ve been tagged again, this time by the gorgeous and sometimes naughty Valley Girl. Now the theme is “four.” I’ve already done “six” and “seven” tags. This tag is more structured than the others, which makes life easier, but where will it end? A squillion-item tag is probably going around the Internets at this very…
People Will See Me and Cry*
If I get any more famous I am going to ask myself for my autograph. I won’t do it during dinner or in the doctor’s office though, because we famous people hate that shizz. No pictures! No pictures! First, the gorgeous and famous Jennine of The Coveted interviewed me for Independent Fashion Bloggers. I really…
Six Facts About Me, Requested by Lady N
The gorgeous and outgoing Lady N has tagged me, so I’m going to list six facts about myself. I’m not going to tag anyone else because I fear everyone has been tagged a million times (I think Lady N got to all the untagged people!). But if you haven’t been tagged and feel like doing…