Micgar over at C3 Fun recently assaulted me with an 8-themed tag. Luckily he didn’t wield a 100-themed tag, because that is a capital offense. Here you go, Micgar. 8 Things I Am Passionate About Jewelry Favorite fashion designers Queens Dogs Feminism My idol, Coco Avoiding bad movies Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate 8 Things I…
A Basic Wardrobe, Part II
It’s time to get back to basics. Wardrobe basics. Here is the post I did about my old wardrobe basics. My everyday essentials are red lipstick, heels (or high wedges) and jewelry. For the past year or so, my favorite lipstick has been MAC’s Pro Longwear Lipcolor in Lasting Lust. It is the!perfect!red! I recommended…
A Basic Wardrobe, Part I
Gorgeous blogger K-Line tagged me to answer the question: “What is a basic wardrobe to you?” I put off writing my reply for a couple of days because I’m (a) a big procrastinator and (b) unhappy with my basic wardrobe. I am in mourning for my old wardrobe. Since I left the corporate world in…
When I Want Your Opinion….
…I’ll beat it out of you. And it’s time for a beating. Do you bitches prefer pop-up comments or non-pop-up comments? I know Carol and ENC prefer pop-ups. How about the rest of you? Speaking of blogging peeps, quite a few have made my day by presenting me with the You Make My Day award….
The Middle of the Next Blog
Last night, my husband told a cab driver to stop “in the middle of the next blog, um, block!” We’ve got blogs on the brain, especially me, because I’m knee-deep in unanswered memes. I better get moving. Wardrobe Oxygen tagged me with this one, as did Diana of So Fash’On a while ago. 1. What…
Peek Into My Prada
Big Glasses Girl and Gnarlitude Jen tagged me to name six things in my handbag. My favorite Prada bag has made an appearance on this blog before. Here it is, enjoying lunch with its identical twin. This bag is roomier than it looks. I’m carrying: 1.The basket of bread from the lunch photo. Why let…
Kneel Before Wendy Brandes
Superman II was the best of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies because it had three hot villains. Okay, it had two hot villains. The dude on the right was just some kind of Wookiee with slightly reduced body hair. But on the far left, we have Ursa. Behold the beauteousness of Ursa! Behold her fabulous…
We Tag the World. We Tag the Children.
If you weren’t sentient in the ’80s, you missed some interesting fashion. You also missed the moment when wealthy musicians from the U.S. and U.K. first started tormenting innocent African people with insipid charity songs. It’s bad enough to be starving. It’s worse to be starving while some craptastic song generates large amounts of money…
The Thinker
Thanks to The Clothes Horse for tagging me with the Thinking Blogger Award and simultaneously making me feel deeply guilty about my recent lack of Book Club posts. To steal a paragraph directly from TCH: “If you get tagged you have to write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think and…
No, Really, This Is the Last Time
I declared I was out of the tag business, but since I am not inspired to write anything else right now, I will answer the tags of Diva in a Carry On and, belatedly, SkyBluePink. I know! I’m such a user. Seven more facts about me: I have four stepchildren. The oldest is six months…