I managed to fall asleep “early” tonight (before 1 a.m.). Guess who woke me up at 3 a.m. to ask me for a drink of water and a stroll? Now I can’t fall back to sleep. While I’m awake, I may as well thank gorgeous blogger Skybluepink for giving me this award. I heart you…
Tag, I’m It.
Fashionfillers tagged me to write six random facts about myself. Hopefully I’m not repeating anything I’ve said before. I don’t like going to the movies unless I’m convinced I’m going to see something exceptional. (We saw Man on Wire last week and it was exceptional. See it!) I’ve seen Madonna at least once during every…
I’m Premio to the Sixth Degree
Where the hell do memes come from? Are there elves in a workshop slaving over odd little things to pass around on teh Internets? Does Al Gore have a workshop? If he does, is he paying the elves a living wage? Anyway, you’ve probably all seen this one by now. It’s an award, created by…
A Pretty Face, Poetic & Chic and Freelancer’s Fashionblog tagged me with this book meme, for which I must pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and post the next three sentences. The book is Katherine Swynford: The History of a Medieval Mistress by Jeannette Lucraft, which I previously…
More Music Meme-i-Ness
Gorgeous blogger Luxe tagged me to share seven songs that I’m into right now. I already shared my “seven songs for spring” but it’s summer now so I guess I’ll give it a whirl. Here are seven songs I listened to yesterday at the gym. I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry Light My Candle…
Seven Songs Have Sprung
Gorgeous blogger Sharon Rose tagged me to share my “seven songs for spring.” Since spring is over in a matter of hours, I considered waiting till spring 2009 to do this. Procrastinating would allow me to figure out exactly what this tag was about. Am I supposed to share seven songs I listened to this…
Five Things Tag
Early this month, Newly Inspired tagged me with the five things meme. While I dawdled over it, Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere tagged me too. I better do it before any more tags pile up. Here goes. 5 things in my Prada Gaufre bag 1. Business cards 2. MAC Pro Longwear Lipcolour in Lasting Lust…
Quirking Along
I’ve previously done the “six unspectacular quirks” tag, but since gorgeous bloggers Fasshonaburu and Pretty in Black have both tagged me, I’m doing it again. Please note that I will beat a bitch’s ass if anyone else tries to tag me with this. I’m supposed to put the rules here, but I’m not going to….
Quirking Hard or Hardly Quirking?
I’ve been tagged by Dress Forms Pins and Needles and Everybody Says Don’t to reveal six unspectacular quirks. There’s a bunch of rules for doing this; pretend I just shared them. Here are the quirks. I don’t like banana peels. I never noticed that I had particularly shiny hair but now that a bunch of…
A Basic Wardrobe, Part III
I’m finally wrapping up my posts on my basic wardrobe, after being tagged by the gorgeous K.Line. Here are my first two posts: A Basic Wardrobe, Part I: Old Basics A Basic Wardrobe, Part II: Lipstick, Shoes and Jewelry At last, I’m up to the clothes I wear nowadays. Daytime is all about (yawn) denim…