Whenever a celebrity cuts her hair into a pixie — or pretends to — lots of other women are tempted to do the same. Not me, though. I had ultra-short hair for years. I’m pixied out. I previously posted this photo of my supershort 1992 ‘do. But I just rediscovered this photo from 1997. My…
About Wendy
What Wendy Wore: Gangsta Boo’s Sunglasses
My gorgeous rapper friend Gangsta Boo was in town last night to perform at Webster Hall with her group Da Mafia 6ix. Before the show, some fabulous sunglasses from Her Tiny Teeth arrived for Boo at my apartment. I was amused that the frames were made from “door knocker” earrings. Boo received one gold pair…
What Wendy Wore: Birthday Booties From BarbaraB
In January, my gorgeous mother BarbaraB got me floral Givenchy booties as a belated birthday gift. With all the snow and general bad weather we’ve had in New York City this winter, I didn’t get a chance to wear these until this week. First, I tried them with my usual outfit of jeans and a…
Throwback Thursday: Pearl Choker at 2006 Oscars
I wore a pearl choker to Vanity Fair’s Oscar party this year. I wore the choker to the same event in 2006. I was wearing an emerald-green Zang Toi gown which I further accessorized with a beaded, peacock-feather fan and a tux-clad MrB. We also went to the Oscar ceremony that year, and I managed…
Fat Cat With a History of Violence
For the past 24 hours, I’ve been laughing over the story of a Portland, Ore., man who called 911 after his 22-lb cat went on the rampage. Lux, the cat, scratched the dude’s 7-month-old baby, so the guy kicked Lux in the rear. Lux didn’t take kindly to that and charged the whole family, leading…
What Wendy Wore: Blue Lipstick #2 by Melt Cosmetics
I was very pleased with the blue lipstick — Doll by Ka’Oir — that I wore to my designing friend Zang Toi’s Fall/Winter 2014 runway show last month. Because I was happy with that one, I wasn’t planning on buying another blue lipstick, but I couldn’t resist a deeper shade by Melt Cosmetics, mainly because…
Throwback Thursday: My Original Engagement Ring
I’ve mentioned before on this blog that I redesigned my own engagement ring years after my 2001 wedding, but I’ve never found a good picture of the original to share. Turns out I wasn’t looking in the right place, because here’s a close-up of my first setting. As you can see, there’s nothing extraordinary about…
The Unseen Paul McCartney and the Photobombing MrB
Last night, I had the horrifying realization that my almost-husband Paul McCartney was at the Vanity Fair Oscar party on Sunday and — somehow — I didn’t see him. Best!Party!Ever! turned into Worst!Missed!Opportunity!Ever! in the blink of an eye. I started desperately searching for information about what time Macca and his lovely wife arrived at…
What Wendy Wore: Zang Toi at Vanity Fair’s 2014 Oscar Party
Every year, the Vanity Fair Oscar party is the Best!Party!Ever! Last night was no exception. We walked in right behind Paula Patton, who is quite tall and looked RADIANT without that up-to-no-good Robin Thicke by her side. I couldn’t get over her perfect skin. Paula, Glenn Close, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck all had their…
What Wendy Wore: Zang Toi for a Pre-Oscar Party
The last time I wore the mermaid outfit by my designing friend Zang Toi, the weather in New York City was monsoon-like. Now, in Los Angeles, the weather is … monsoon-like. MrB said cheerfully, “At least you’re dressed to swim home!” Indeed I am! What Wendy Wore Halter and skirt: Zang Toi (2013) Shoes: Tom…