My gorgeous friend Alyssa Brownell and her fabulous man, Robert, got married last month. Alyssa wore my 18K gold tiara, as I’ve mentioned. The entire day was beautiful. There were a lot of happy tears during the ceremony in the awe-inspiring Church of St. Francis Xavier. Saturday afternoon church … #notmyusualsaturday #wedding A post shared…
About Wendy
Wednesday’s Video: Casual Day!
In a recent video, I spoke about the joy of buying (and wearing!) statement clothing instead of basic pieces. But do I wear decades-old Ossie Clark jackets and beaded ’20s-style dresses all the time? Nope! Most of the time, you’ll catch me in jeans and a t-shirt, like this. What Wendy Wore T-shirt: Damien Hirst via…
What Wendy Wore: WJA Awards for Excellence
When I was nominated for a Women’s Jewelry Association award last month, MrB asked if I would be wearing a recently acquired dress to the dinner, or if I needed an even newer dress (What a nice man, right?). I said no to both. I wanted to wear a ’20s-style dress I got 10 years…
Wednesday’s Videos: I’m a WJA Winner!
A huge, huge thank you to the Women’s Jewelry Association for honoring me with an Award for Excellence for design Monday night! I was nominated for this award last year but didn’t win, and I sincerely expected the same result this year. The award recognizes a body of work, rather than a single design, and…
What Wendy Wore: The Blogversary Sweater
Ten years ago, MrB and I visited Hever Castle, the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. I wore my Boleyn initial necklace. A photo we took that day was the first picture of myself on this blog, posted on July 27, 2007. As I wrote yesterday, I didn’t expect to be making a big commitment when…
A Big Blogversary: I’m Turning 10!
Can you believe it? It’s my 10th blogversary! Since July 23, 2007, I’ve published almost 3,500 posts. To those of you who have reading me from the beginning — thank you for sticking around! And a thank you also to the newer people for joining in, whenever you joined in! In this special blogversary video,…
Monika Reports on the Young Royals
This is random, but too exciting not to share: When Prince William and Princess Kate visited Poland this week, my Warsaw-based friend Monika was part of the crowd that turned out to greet them. Okay, anyone can join a big crowd, right? But not just anyone can get to the front of the crowd, shake…
Wednesday’s Video: Jewelry With a Prize Inside
In today’s YouTube video, I talk about some of my locket designs and their inspirations, which range from Victorian mourning jewelry to a salty/sweet snack. Seriously! Subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you don’t miss the next video. It’s an extra-special one!
Wednesday’s Video: Don’t Be Basic!
As a New Yorker, I appreciate basic black clothes, but I also love statement pieces, like the purple Versace jacket from yesterday’s post. In this week’s YouTube video, I talk about buying distinctive clothes and letting go of the fear that anything interesting will look “last season.” If my fidgeting with the jacket in the…
What Wendy Wore: Versace Jacket From 2004
Before it got hot here in New York City, I took some outfit pictures of my hairy, purple jacket from Versace’s fall 2004 collection. My right-hand woman Eryn and I were on our way to a meeting at a Mexican restaurant called La Esquina, aka The Corner — you can see it behind me in…