Much to my delight, there’s been a burst of new posts about latex-look legs in the blogosphere. Check out: I Spy, Thrift Eye Style Bubble The Coveted Meanwhile, I broke down and bought the American Apparel leggings. They’re all weird around the waist so I’ll have to send them back … but of course I…
About Wendy
Even More Surprise Party Pictures
I apologize to the readers who don’t know any of these people, but I want to share a few more photos with folks who attended the party. My favorite photo of the evening: John is amazed to learn he is Amy’s babydaddy.
In the News/On the Blogs
I enjoyed this piece by the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning fashion critic, Robin Givhan (registration required), though I disagree with the constantly reinforced notion that everyone, “in the boardroom, in politics, in suburban neighborhoods,” is feeling unbearable daily pressure to meet some Hollywood standard of physical perfection. Barbie is a popular scapegoat. I live in New…
More Surprise Party Pictures
More photos from my husband’s surprise party have arrived! Click to enlarge. Me with my gorgeous sister, Terri Berry. Seeing us together always overexcites certain men. They say, “Sisters?!” with an ambitious glint in their eyes. Everyone was asking me where I got the Wall Street Journal top I was wearing that night, so here’s…
One More Time
I’ve been tagged again, this time by the gorgeous and sometimes naughty Valley Girl. Now the theme is “four.” I’ve already done “six” and “seven” tags. This tag is more structured than the others, which makes life easier, but where will it end? A squillion-item tag is probably going around the Internets at this very…
People Will See Me and Cry*
If I get any more famous I am going to ask myself for my autograph. I won’t do it during dinner or in the doctor’s office though, because we famous people hate that shizz. No pictures! No pictures! First, the gorgeous and famous Jennine of The Coveted interviewed me for Independent Fashion Bloggers. I really…
I was going to save this for tomorrow, but I can’t wait! For those who don’t know, my husband is leaving his current job at the end of this year and starting a new job right away. No rest and relaxation for him! I have been helping the current company plan a surprise retirement party…
Ossie’s Back! Part 2
Bad photo of a nice Ossie 2004 I had a nice chat with Al Radley this week. Al is the clothing manufacturer who owned the rights to the Ossie Clark name and just did a deal to revive the line. He bought the rights in the late ’60s when Ossie was deeply in debt (clothes…
Dressing for All the King’s Men
A few months ago, my husband talked me into buying a vintage Herve Leger bandage dress. I wore it for the first time this weekend. I can carry off tight. I can even carry off short. But short and tight? I felt like a hoor, as they would say on The Sopranos. Or mutton dressed…
Ossie’s Back!
I am thrilled that the Ossie Clark label is going to be revived at last! I know the guy who held the rights to the name and he was trying to get something going for long time. But he wanted something high quality, and someone who would respect the label. None of the Topshop/H&M stuff….