My husband and I started dating exactly 10 years ago today. I don’t know if this is from 1998, but it’s probably close enough. Also, happy birthday to GeorgeB! GeorgeB
About Wendy
A Flair for the Obvious
I wore this vintage Moschino dress to our Valentine’s dinner. It won’t enlarge! Don’t bother clicking. UPDATED TO ADD: During dinner, we were befriended by the people seated next to us and it turned into quite a party. Here we are with the charming Allyson and Jake from Mississippi.
Adventures in Arizona, Part I
I sneaked off to Arizona this weekend to check out the Tucson Gem Show. Afterwards, I stopped in Phoenix to visit gorgeous sister bloggers Jennifer and Megan. We had dinner (I had “Voodoo Tuna”) during which I attempted to drink for four: myself, Megan, Jennifer and Jennifer’s bun in the oven. Considering the baby was…
WendyB Does Interviews
In the movie Working Girl, Tess (Melanie Griffith) says, “I have a head for business and a bod for sin. Is there anything wrong with that?” No, there isn’t. Unfortunately, I don’t have those qualities. As this video will prove, I have a face for radio and a voice for silent movies. You need to…
Nomi Malone Loves Versace Too
Some fashionistas assume Versace always looks like the purple dress below, complete with scary, too-tan makeup. No, there was no time to start over. I had to go out with an orange face and white arms. Shit happens! Get over it. Sometimes peeps have armgina, sometimes they have bad makeup. Orange you glad to see…
Google Loves Wendy Brandes
I think Google likes me better since I shared the 2001 riding crop photo. Maybe Google wants me to make this my profile picture. Wendy Brandes will dazzle you with her shiny teefs and then beat you with her crop. Seriously, Google, why do we have such a difficult relationship? Right now, if you Google…
Got Milk?
Check out Boobie Wars!* I don’t think I should enter. No one can compete with my amazing bosom. It wouldn’t be fair. Wanna participate? Here are the rules. They don’t seem to be gender-specific, so let’s see if any of you boys out there have man-boobs to rival General Zod‘s. Kneel before Zod‘s cleavage! *This…
Sheer Madness
The last Marc Jacobs show I attended raised a lot of questions in my mind. First, I thought, “Why is this guy so late?” Then I thought, “Where does he get off acting this way?” Then I wondered, “Why didn’t I stay at that nice restaurant and have another drink?” Finally, I asked myself, “Who…
More New Year’s Photos
Finally, I have gotten the rest of the photos from my New Year’s Eve/Birthday Party at Butter. I will share a few. First, a couple of additional looks at my vintage Versace/Little Bo Peep dress. (And though I usually don’t do this, you can click on the photos to enlarge.) It had a nice circle…
Book Club: Shopping Under the Influence
I was determined to get back into my royal lady book posts today, but I seem to have misplaced the Empress Wu novel that I was working on. Plus, I’m feeling a bit flu-ish, which has sapped me of the energy necessary to tear through the house on a mad search for Empress Wu, especially…