The iHog visits Versailles.
About Wendy
iHog at the Eiffel
A view from across the Seine Up close and personal
Awkward Fashion Moment
Trying to display flower feet and plaid combination
Fernando Does Dinner in Paris
My bouche is totally amused Humph. Tom is hogging this photo. Alessandra has a good pig on her shoulders. Bring on the dessert, bitches! Next stop: Betty Ford Clinic? Stay tuned for more Parisian adventures with Fernando von Bakonstein!
Fernando Does Lunch in Paris
This place looks fancy. Show me the menu! You brought your wallet, right? This tart cost HOW MANY EUROS?!?!? Stay tuned for more Parisian adventures with Fernando von Bakonstein!
Accessories Hunter in Paris
OMG, you guys! I’m totes like the Sartorialist. Check out the cool tights on this girl on the bike. Seen outside the Louvre, while getting iHog ready for his photo op This lady had some eye-catching boots. Outside the Grand Palais Here’s a better shot of them. Voila!
The iHog Does Paris
Fernando von Bakonstein here, reporting from Paris, where I’ve been pigging out a bit. This one’s for Carol. Place de la Concorde The Louvre A view of the Eiffel Tower from the Tuileries Mon Dieu! This isn’t funny! This town is bad for pigs Those shoes are too big for me, alas. The fashionable Avenue…
iGo With iHog
The iHog and I are hitting the road. I expect to post as usual, but I may not have time to give all your blogs the normal amount of comment love. I hope you can forgive me. Speaking of traveling, when my husband returned from a recent business trip he found golf balls that looked…
Hanging Out With Christian Francis Roth
Thanks to this blog, I got to meet my favorite ’90s designer, Christian Francis Roth. We had a lovely dinner at Landmarc in Tribeca. Isn’t he cute?(I’m wearing an Ossie Clark top.)
Old Shooz and Final L.A. Photos
While I was agonizing over what to do with my nu shooz from L.A. (see the second update at the end of this post), I was reminded that I’ve been meaning to share a photo of a favorite pair of old shooz. These Patrick Cox shoes were my first pair of wedges. I think I…