If this doesn’t prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt that I am the only person deserving of the Drysdale Award for Blog With the Most Swears, you are fucked up. Behold! My masterpiece: Swear rings by Wendy Brandes That’s right, bitches! I swear in metal. Vote here. UPDATED TO ADD: I didn’t mean to…
About Wendy
Eyes on the Prizes
My peeps, take a moment to visit Grant Miller Media and vote for me in the Drysdale Awards. What are the Drysdale Awards, you ask? Well, they’re like the Oscars for bloggers, meaning that the winners will accept their awards while wearing sweatpants and t-shirts with week-old tomato-sauce stains on them rather than gowns and…
Be Like WendyB in a Hairy Purple Jacket
For those of you who have thought, “If only I had a hairy purple jacket, I could be more like WendyB,” Miu Miu’s fringed tartan peacoat is reduced to $1,036 from $1,480 on Net-a-Porter. For inspiration, here I am, wearing my hairy purple jacket by Versace, with BarbaraB in 2007. UPDATED TO ADD: When I…
What Do You Think?
Do you prefer my hair straight like usual or wavy like this? UPDATED TO ADD: Darn you, first commenter Cherie of Shrimpton Couture! I figured since my gorgeous sister Terri Berry was wearing red lipstick with black and leopard last night, I’d be able to pass her off as myself. Here she is in all…
WendyB in the New York Times
Click the image below to enlarge, then look in the lower left corner of the page for the Committee to Protect Journalists party. There I am in picture No. 15 in glorious black and white. Right under me, in No. 17, you’ll see gorgeous client Melissa, who was my guest that night, with MrB and…
Important Stuff. Also, Dresses.
MrB is the chairman of the most amazing organization called the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). You have to click that link and do some reading, because I can’t begin to describe what people in other countries go through to tell the truth. It really offends me when U.S. citizens whine about how they’re suffering…
Adding to My Art Collection
Gorgeous blogger ENC has created some new dress-based art for me. In case you don’t know the back story, it is as follows: I found an Alexander McQueen dress on eBay that looked like modern art; then Jill put me and the dress into some art; and then Danielle made another contribution. And here are…
Three Textures, New Ring
You can’t see much in this picture [glaring at photographer], so you’ll just have to believe me when I tell you that I’m wearing three textures of black in this photograph from Friday night. If you click on the photo, you can enlarge it a tad. Dolce & Gabbana jacket (previously seen here)Velvet Zang Toi…
Trunk Show Thanks
Thank you to all my gorgeous customers and helpers* who made last night’s trunk show at Pink Elephant so wonderful. No thanks to T-Bags, the makers of a dress that I wore because I liked the colors, not realizing it made me look 10 months pregnant. I thought I only looked six months pregnant in…
Miro, Miro on the Wall
Gorgeous blogger Danielle of Sexie Time has added to the WendyB art collection started by gorgeous blogger Jill. Where’s WendyB? Thanks, Danielle!