Gorgeous blogger Winona of Daddy Likey created her own tag called Show Us Your Blog Spot. I usually don’t bother posting the rules for tags, but I happen to like Winona’s, so here they are: 1. Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog. This might mean a picture of your cozy…
About Wendy
A Note From an Illiterate Guest Blogger
I asked my gorgeous nephew, Sebastian Berry, to write a post for me. Unfortunately, he is illiterate and has two left feet when it comes to typing. Here’s his message: “asdfkajdgs345o8dgkjdlk;d ncdfakl adoifgjg3ra9odfB1.,jupf.cseb dv kmfgs≥lijaer;obdfjlsrv fsgeAILjheraglgdvmklcl/WRGIHGDZ;sxfjg2q-0fsj;svg;;.dfbje3p0[1qlfsgj;sflpis;fljbg;psop;adfgj.” Makes about as much sense as most stuff you read on the interwebs, actually. UPDATED TO ADD COMMENT OF…
El-Oh-El-Ay Lola
I was happy to see Kate Winslet win an Oscar last month for her performance in The Reader. Winslet on her winning night If you haven’t seen the movie, I recommend it. Based on a book by Bernhard Schlink and set in post-World War II Germany, The Reader is about a teenager who has a…
Milagros for Body & Soul
I found an amusing boutique while visiting my gorgeous sister, Terri Berry, and the rest of the Berry family in Tampa, Fla. Milagros for Body & Soul sells Saint Agnes Soap, which the website homepage describes as “the finest handmade glycerin soaps from the world’s cleanest nun made available to saints & sinners everywhere from…
Wearing My Heart on My Cape
As a proud New Yorker, I must, must, MUST have this cityscape cape by my wonderful designer friend Zang Toi. Coming Going I’m sure I’ve had these images on my computer since Zang presented this piece last September, but I searched them out after Zang mentioned the cape over dinner at his insanely beautiful apartment…
Favorite Hair
I got my hair cut yesterday, but didn’t feel like taking a picture. Instead, I’ll show you my 1995 hair. Back then, my hair guru, Keith Carpenter (who also did my hair yesterday), and I decided I needed the curliest perm possible — a chemically-induced ‘fro. Keith’s colleague did the perm reluctantly while Keith and…
Ass Flowers Are the New Butt Bow
I loved handsome blogger Dale‘s comment on my last post, referring to the Zang Toi dress that I wore to an Oscar party: “Awesome, why do I never get invited? Next time, it’s flowers on my ass and I’m a shoo-in!” Meanwhile, my gorgeous friend Jane, who was at the party, wondered, “Were the flowers…
Vanity Fair
I wore the beautiful Zang Toi gown from my last post to Graydon Carter’s fabulous Vanity Fair Oscar party. Here are a few more photos. Front of the gown. Some of my jewels. The flowers on the backless back of the dress. Oh, and ALL the stars came out for Graydon’s party. We saw Jennifer…
Happy Oscar Night
Hope you’re having fun! Dress by Zang Toi
Honestly! I Like White Lies.
In a recent article in the New York Times, etiquette expert Letitia Baldridge said of white lies, “I never would have gotten through life without them.” She’s consistent. Twenty years ago, she said, “A white lie is permissible for kindness’ sake.” Fleetwood Mac agrees, as do I. “Tell me lies. Tell me sweet little lies.”…