The annual International Press Freedom Awards Dinner for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is always an awe-inspiring event. It honors journalists from around the world who risk their lives to report from war zones and in defiance of brutal regimes. In 2009, 35 journalists have been killed. Just this Monday, 12 journalists have been…
About Wendy
Minx Manicures: Not for the Antisocial
I’m wearing a very special dress for a very special occasion tomorrow. While I was combing out my faux-ny tail late last night (it’s not a party without a faux-ny tail!), I realized I urgently needed a metallic Minx manicure to complete the look. Minx is not a polish; it’s a film that’s applied with…
I meant to take lots of photos at my pop-up shop yesterday, but I was too busy. Right before I closed, I remembered to take an outfit photo. The dress is a vintage Jacques Tiffeau. The shoes are by Yves Saint Laurent and are a few years old — the only YSLs that have ever…
You Give Me (Nonexistent) Fever
I got a little hoarse yesterday. Considering I have two sales coming up, this hoarseness made me very nervous. I took my temperature and it was 99.1. This is basically normal, but, because it wasn’t exactly 98.6, I decided I must be coming down with swine flu. Normally I don’t worry about such things, because…
Two — TWO! — WendyB Events in the Big Apple
If you’re going to be in New York next week, I’ll be having two sales events over three days. I already announced my pop-up shop for November 20 and 21. As you see, I’ll also be carrying some clothes by my designing friend Zang Toi. Zang will be traveling on the pop-up shop days. Fortunately,…
Featured Jewel: Lotus Necklace With Sapphire
Gorgeous blogger Kathy of Fasshonaburu joined me for dinner at sushi restaurant BondSt last night. (We recommend the fried oyster roll.) My jewel of the evening was my 18K gold lotus flower necklace with a sapphire in the center. I’ll have that one at my pop-up shop later this month if you want to see…
Outfit Post: A Stitch in Time
I don’t love being in front of a camera. I have one look: a big smile. If I don’t smile, my eyes are still smiling. If my eyes aren’t smiling, I look sad instead of serious or sexy. Plus I’m always disappointed that I don’t look like a young Sophia Loren in the pictures. Inside,…
Life Magazine, the photojournalism magazine, was launched as a weekly publication by Time Magazine owner Henry Luce in 1936. When I worked at People Magazine, which was started many decades later by the same corporate parent, I was based in the Time-Life building. The weekly version of Life was shut down in 1972, but the…
Hair-Raising Times With The Shoe Girl
Last week, gorgeous blonde blogger The Shoe Girl came to town and took me to the FFANY Shoes on Sale party at Lincoln Center. I wore a strapless Jean-Charles de Castelbajac motorcycle-zipper dress that I got in Paris this summer. The dress made me a little crazy. I was inspired to try a hairstyle that…
You’re Invited to a Sample Sale
In New York later this week? Come visit me at my sample sale this Friday, October 23, from 5 PM to 8 PM, and Saturday, October 24, from 12 PM to 6 PM. It’s being hosted by the fabulous people at BoConcept, which is at 105 Madison Avenue and 30th Street. I will be selling…